
“The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. I slightly misremembered what she said was so yikes about it — rather than being racist it was v. ableist, claiming things like “70% people who think they’re sick are just being dramatic for attention,” and “ADD isn’t real it’s just a lack of discipline” (not exact quotes) which

A friend of mine had a similar experience. She was set up with a therapist who supposedly had experience specifically in dealing with trauma, which sounded ideal... And then the therapist told her to read this book that was supremely racist and even made the point that if those darned art schools hadn’t been so

Personally, I have nothing against house centipedes; they hunt other bugs and generally mind their own business. Usually I let them be. Back when I was still living with my folks, my bedroom and bathroom were in the basement, so I encountered them often.

I’m a liberal-leaning person writing for a newspaper in small-town, gun-slinging, highly conservative Missouri. My editor and I have a constant, background worry about printing something that makes someone mad enough they waltz into our basically security-free office and mow us all down. Our building is over 100 years

Benghazi: the new Bazinga?

He offered to make me dinner. What he made was boxed mac-n-cheese with added broccoli and immense amounts of curry powder.

Now playing

every time I see Kanye’s stupid new name I get this stuck in my head

Candy corn is a seasonal vegetable: good only in the fall. Also, the lil’ white tips have a slightly different texture, taste creamier and are objectively the best part. 

I can’t find an email address for tips so I’m just going to drop this here: the fucking St. Louis Police are at it again.

Ah yes, that’s called the split-attraction model; it separates out who you’re attracted to sexually vs. romantically. I don’t want to get too into the weeds with this, but I will say that not all ace people use that model. As in, I’ve known ace people who still id as gay, lesbian or bisexual. Reason being, to separate

I assume you meant “sedentary lifestyle,” rather than “sentient lifestyle.” Though the idea of completely switching off one’s brain on vacation does seem to explain the way some of these folks die.

Of course, I should’ve expected that Emily Blunt’s singing voice just isn’t going to compare to Julie Andrews’... but dang, Emily Blunt’s singing voice just doesn’t compare to Julie Andrews’.

Peanut and coconut are pretty Thai flavors... 

I have never kicked a pigeon.

He’s the rep for my hometown, Springfield, MO (though I no longer live there) and as far as I know this is the only interesting or useful thing he’s done during his time in office...

I don’t think I’ve had a mealy Honeycrisp, but (at least at my local Walmart in Missouri) they do seem more inconsistent in quality than something like a Gala. Sometimes they’re really good, sometimes really hard (rather than just crisp), sometimes kinda bitter... And since they’re more expensive than other varieties,

Ooh, I may try making this but with ginger and lime instead of lemon.

Obviously, a tomato sandwich needs no improving upon. However, if you crave something slightly heartier, might I recommend frying a couple of slices of provolone in a splash of olive oil until oozy-crisp, then sliding the delicious puddle right onto your tomato sandwich?

Why’s a man called the Human Ken Doll even bothering to cover his crotch?

Ramen tip #12: if you feel really fancy, poach an egg in the broth (just crack an egg into the softened, simmering noodles and let it sit) and serve with the yolk still a lil runny. Mmm...