
I’m Extremely Gay for Ruth Negga. That’s all.

Make that 31 Helens — this Helen agrees too. :) 

Yeah, like, not only will eating raw wild mushrooms give you a belly full of chitin (making you feel like you swallowed a brick, or perhaps several crab shells), but mushrooms are really good at harboring bacteria. Animals shit out there, Johnna!

Are you sure you’re not thinking of ginseng? Lotta ginseng poaching going on. I guess there’s some poaching of wild ginger but it sounds like it’s more being used locally in folk medicine, rather than making it onto the broader market.

I think Jare is the one in the far left in the group picture, and IMO she looks much cuter — and much more, as you say, like an actual human child — there than in the clearly heavily ‘shopped picture at the top. The artificial brightening of the eyes, the smoothing of the face... it’s some Uncanny Valley shit.

Mr. Vulcanbookworm and I got married on the cheap and baked so much banana bread for our wedding, because I’ve got a killer recipe for it. Leftovers got shared out to guests and enjoyed for our next few breakfasts. And now any time we make banana bread together it’s got an added layer of romance. 

@ folks in the replies alarmed at the idea of using sesame oil to saute: What my husband didn’t learn until recently is that there’s a different between sesame oil and toasted sesame oil. Toasted sesame oil is that strongly-flavored, thick stuff that’s more of a topping or condiment than an oil. Plain sesame oil has a

My poor mom, a resident of Missouri, managed to contract this a few years back. That woman loves a good steak or burger, so it was a rough few years for her. Eventually, the allergy just kinda... wore off? Maybe the alpha gal left her system and she’d abstained from red meat long enough that her body stopped reacting;

Oh No, Ross and Carrie, the pseudoscience/cult/other-nonsense-bustin’ podcast, has a great set of episodes where the hosts join Raëlianism, in case you’d like to go even deeper down this rabbit hole. First episode is here.

It’s always been hard for me to find the mental energy to decide on a workout routine. Lately, I’ve been starting my daily workout with videos from one of Yoga with Adrienne’s 30-day yoga series on YouTube. Being able to follow an instructor adds much-needed structure, and I’ve found myself looking forward to finding

hot take: every single version of Little Women, including the book, is terrible

As a woman who digs women, I thought they were hot too! I’ve heard them criticized as appeals to the male gaze, but dang it, what about my female gaze?

Neopets can’t actually die, though... they just languish in starving misery for years on end. Source: I remember mine exist and go check up on ‘em every couple of years.

Plus a couple drops of almond extract, perhaps?

It’s a good basic reference point, and I like the promptings to seek help. But I think it’s slightly flawed in that mental health struggles are rarely as straightforward as physical pain. They affect different people very differently. When I had a depressive episode not too long ago, I coped fine — from the outside.

Seems like lately, it’s hard to get anyone to go on the record about anything; people want anonymity even when there’s no good reason to give it to ‘em. My speculation is that big news outlets hoping to scoop each other have been too generous about granting anonymity and letting people speak on background, so folks

And Bluebell’s!

I think you’re right... I grew up on Twizzlers and didn’t have a Red Vine until high school. Took one bite and just couldn’t eat the rest. Bleh.

Your smile is beautiful and you’re doing fantastic.