
Aw dang. :(

I wonder if something was lost in translation here... Maybe that was an attempt to translate a Swedish word with a more positive connotation that went poorly? Not that I’m usually inclined to give the benefit of the doubt, but their description of the thinking behind the line really doesn’t match the term they chose.

I’m a bi gal who lives in Missouri. If said friend lives somewhere like the downtown areas of St. Louis or Columbia, you’ll probably be okay. I went to Pride in St. Louis this summer — in Doc Martens, a collar, rainbow tank top, the works — and even well outside the festival area, I never spotted anyone glaring at me

I think Justin et. al. are funniest when they’ve got a narrative thread/goal to build around; they ramble too much in MBMBAM and I just can’t stay focused on them. If you’ve ever seen the TV show version of MBMBAM, they’re a bit more focused and it’s that much more enjoyable.

That sounds depressing as hell but also really illuminating. What’s it called?

Early in the relationship, my now-husband, then starving-college-student-boyfriend got so light-headed after sex that I had to drive him to a Burger King so he could eat some goddamn protein. It’s the only time anyone has ever enjoyed BK’s bizarre extruded chicken fries.

Have several from my personal collection...

Man, I can’t wait to get out of Missouri.

There’s a gal in my local Pokemon Go Facebook group who’s volunteered as a hitman — she’ll go and knock your ‘Mon out of a gym if requested (and provided you’re not on the same team).

My husband usually sits too.

yeah... she probably had a piss fetish, bro.

On a cautiously optimistic note, maybe all that — plus the fact that she was a white citizen of another nation with which we’re on friendly terms — means that some legislation or something will be passed to finally clamp down on these out-of-control cops.

Oh man... I was curious what they had to say about American Gods, and the tone is so scandalized. “It’s almost as if someone from Starz’ executive wing looked at Game of Thrones and American Horror Story and said, ‘Nope, not extreme enough. Let’s double it. Triple it if we can.’

Former evangelical, now proud atheist member of the liberal media. Shit like Brio definitely contributed.

I internalized and absorbed enough bullshit during my Evangelical youth. Luckily, the shit Brio was peddling wasn’t part of it. I mean, some well-meaning (?) family member did buy me a subscription at one point, but I always skipped straight to the “Cafeteria Lady” bit (the juiciest part by far) and tossed the rest. I

Plugged In was so hilariously nitpicky... It had like an itemized list of every swear or near-swear word each movie contained.

I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.

I read Clubhouse for many years (it was junk, but fucking Cricket was too secular for my folks) and I gotta say, I don’t remember that one.

Thanks! It was, though as a consummate tomboy I had no idea what to do with it most of the time. Now it’s very very short.