
At 22 and 5'3" I look like a prepubescent boy with tits (or not, depending on what I’m wearing). During my first week post-moving out to a new job, my parents stopped by to take me out for supper and see how I was settling in. I felt so adult, so free...

Thanks for the kind words, folks! Youths: be your dang selves!

please tell me there are pics that sounds delightful

I think the prom dresses that are Aggressively You are the best kinds of prom dresses. :)

I’d like to think I was. :)

They were the heels-iest heels I’d ever worn, at the time.

The year was 2011 (I’m a youngun). I found this beautifully awful thing at a vintage clothing store (for like $10) and instantly knew it’d be perfect for the masquerade-themed sophomore prom. And y’know, as goofy as I knew the giant bow was and is, and as terrible a length as it is, I still felt like a million bucks.  

I loved every fucking minute of Sense8, man. (And... every minute of fucking, tbh.) It was colorful and bonkers and emotional and absolutely unique. I adored so many of the characters. Was it truly a *good* show? mmMmmaybe. But I loved it and I’m going to miss it.

Good luck to both of you! Have you given in to temptation and named the lil guy yet?

Folks, to reiterate what Vanessa said, please do make sure to discuss these things in advance. Some of them have the potential to be emotionally intense, and in unexpected ways. For example, if your partner already struggles to orgasm, being suddenly denied the opportunity to can be really disappointing and upsetting

Yeah, the lil cutie definitely needs warmth, and it’ll feel more secure if it’s got something to hold onto... you can wrap a towel around a hot water bottle for it, for example. Poodletime II’s source is good too.

Huh! I’m not a medical professional, so I wouldn’t know.

i beg to differ

These days, it’s one shot near the site of the bite and three more shots over the course of two weeks in the arm. Not nearly as bad.

Not sure if I want to *be* her or take her out to coffee and gaze adoringly at her. Maybe both?

There’s so many bizarre videos on Youtube labelled “ASMR,” man... so many.

I hate to use the term, but it’s almost ASMR-ish, the way that brush just perfectly covers the bottom of each boot and those tiny stitches close up that tear... I haven’t seen that movie since I was a kid and it’s still vivid in my head.

There’s gotta be Lasso of Truth-themed bondage rope somewhere, right?

Yeah, as the other folks have said, a UTI (uterine tract infection) doesn’t have anything to do with the vag. As someone with a vagina, the one time I had a UTI they just had me pee into a cup and prescribed antibiotics before they even had the results.

Oh lord, yeah, I have a pretty vivid memory of reading The Notebook under my desk at school in Middle School... I remember firelight glistening on skin and honestly not much else, but that detail (and my mortified fear the teacher would Know that I was reading a sin) stuck.