
heh, “segment”

My high school physics textbook had a question about the velocity of an octopus slid across a hockey rink... I had no idea it was based on real-life events.

As a very non-car person, when I sighted an MP4-12C (I think) in the parking lot of my local Target the other day, all I could really say is “Damn, that’s a sexy car.” Now that I know what the heck a McLaren even is, I’m still saying the same thing, but louder. The curves! The rich red paint! Lord.

Thanks for the tip! I have thought about that, especially as excessive body hair’s symptomatic of PCOS. However, that’s my only potential symptom and some degree of nipple hair is pretty normal in women—I’m probably safe.

He sounds like a keeper! :)

I have more nipple hair than my boyfriend does—I shave it, of course, but it grows fast and I think it’s spreading. whyyy

I appreciated that they were trying to do something different, and the fact that the Starfleet insignia was woven right into the very fabric was a neat touch... but it ended up, to my eyes, looking more like sports jersey fabric to me. Very thin and flimsy-looking.

The uterus shudders to think how such a tourniquet might be applied.

Oo, that’s a good one. Even more visceral than just bleeding.

No, bless the man, he just asks if I’m cramping and texts me pictures of cute animals.

I call it “The bleeding,” as in “the bleeding has begun,” in an effort to flap my unflappable boyfriend, because it sounds even worse than “period.” Would that be a malphemism?

Makes sense! To each his/her/their own, of course! :)

I feel your pain—that’s at least 24% of the reason I wear contacts these days.

Nnnooo... More like a normal bedroom with the lights on? Or a well-lit dungeon with a spanking bench and a St. Andrew’s cross (a girl can dream).

Srs though. I’ve never quite gotten why dim=sexy. I like being able to see what’s going on! And background music just seems like it’d be distracting, though maybe it’s meant to help you keep up a rhythm? Then again, if you don’t have any sense of rhythm to start with, how much can it really help?


I’ve been working my way through a box of assorted Twinings teas (not my first choice of tea, but my grandma gave ‘em to me and it’s not in me to waste them) and have gotten down to the weak-ass Lady Grey. Just one more bag and I’m freeeee

You do you. Comfort foods are the only thing that gets a body through these long dark winters.

No great triumphs recently, but The Manfellow and I are celebrating his birthday (and also the one-year anniversary of the kiss that started it all, but who’s counting?) next weekend. We decided it’d be fun to cook a whole meal together, from scratch. I’m kitchen-competent; he doesn’t even know how to brown beef. Any

I went looking on the Interwebs, but couldn’t find the specific one. Here’s something similarly godawful, though.