
Nah, man—it wasn’t even a well-written poem. I’ve been trying to find it online for everyone’s reading pain, but there are an alarming number of poems in that highly specific genre, apparently.

One more semester! So soon. And they are paying for most of it. #checkmyprivilege

Aww, thank you. :) I like you too.

Update: The service was over two hours long. D: Some Danish kid behind me wouldn’t stop talking. The incense smelled nice. I survived. Thanks for being so sweet, erryone!

You are doing the work of Our Lord Palpatine

Chocolate and cookies! You’re off to a good start. Hang in there. Here’s some of my kitten collection too.

Soon and very soon—one more semester. Best to you and yours as well!

Thankfully, I’m charging headlong into the last semester of my senior year (and while I’m away at college, I’m a happy churchless heathen). Almost there! Thank you for the encouragement!

Where the fetus touches Jesus’s butt in heaven. Yes. I support this.

Oo, now there’s an idea.

Aww! My Grinch-y heart just grew several sizes. :)

Thanks, Sqarr. I’ll be okay—at least it’ll be mostly carols and fun stuff tonight. :)

Shit I’m such a sucker for anything with eel. Or really good tuna. Dang now I really want sushi

I’m going to prank my whole church and family by showing up at the Christmas Eve service and pretending that I still believe a word of what they’re saying! Even going to take Communion.

Perhaps seeing all those men in one place, and the particular affection some of them seemed to have for each other (Frodo and Sam, I’m lookin’ at you) pinged our awakening gaydar? I dunno, man.

Not only was this hilariously well-written (and oh my god it was), but I feel like it could have been alternate-universe me, had I gone to a public university. Like, I even have a LOTR-loving, not as straight as she thought she was, best friend back home that I would have hooked up with.

...Welp, I definitely misread that as “spanking fees.”

I’ve seen at least a couple similar ones upthread, and have been the proud owner of a penis myself (in dreams, not in real life). I guess it’s just curiosity about how the other half lives...

(I had a similar one, but with Zeus. Probably for the best; knowing Zeus I’d have woken up pregnant with a life-ruining demigod.)

same. one pretty recently. bluh the subconscious skeeves me the fuck out sometimes