
Also, the Revel failed because they failed to attract gamblers, you know, how casinos make their money. They thought they could make money by building a billion dollar resort/club with gambling on the side. Maybe it could work, but not in Atlantic City, I mean come on.

Every time I'm at / driving past the Meadowlands I can't help but laugh at it. How have they not at least repainted it yet? It looks ridiculous

But there's a problem for using individual defensive players too (though they do have leagues including them). Is a sack 5 times as valuable as a tackle? 3? No cornerback will get an INT per game, and a CB tackle usually means they got beat by the receiver. Should they get points for that mistake or lose them by

Discus just ate my post, sad times. Anyway, this gist was that 538's ELO model is incredibly simplistic. It's useless for predicting games, it even says so at the bottom of each article. They put no effort into their models outside the political sphere, and instead use a century old system (ELO) that is completely

Mike Tomlin is not a "mediocre coach"

It's actually very pessimistic. Even if the Rams were the worst team in the league talent-wise (I doubt it, their d-line is amazing), they'd still probably be expected to get at least 4 wins. The over under line for wins on the season is never set any lower than 4, no matter how bad the team, because there is so much

I loved the tetris puzzles, once of the most interesting mechanics introduced in the game I thought. I agree some of the meditative audio logs were excessive, but I can't agree with looking for a tidy plot or explanation for the island in this game. It's just not what The Witness is about. It's about puzzles and the

I'm playing SSR right now, currently on the ice island. It's probably the toughest puzzle game I've ever bought and I'm having a good time with it, but I don't know if it holds up in comparison to a game like the Witness. Both in presentation and mechanics, I just don't see it having the kind of diversity to stand up

Referring to the timed one? I thought that it was just a total grind learning how to do it fast enough, probably the worst part of an otherwise stellar game.

I think you can make a case for some turn-based JSRPGs, but without the competitive aspect, there's no need to delve into those systems to the same depth.

Agreed, probably the best puzzle game since the first Portal, just with more focus on the puzzling than the presentation.

This is aeons old. Get your shit together internet.

I'm just as confused. Maybe because it's arguably a horror form that makes it somehow guilty? I have no idea

As much as I enjoy Blood of Heroes, I don't know that I could make that claim.

100% agreed, this movie was Rutger Hauer at the height of his powers. I probably prefer his performance here to Balde Runner.

How is The Hitcher a guilty pleasure though? I think it's a stone cold classic. Rutger Hauer at the top of his game and one of the tensest films I've ever seen. The ending wasn't that great, but the rest of the movie is just about perfect.

You're going to have to explain to me how in the world my contention is "obtuse and acute." You can't throw around an obtuse idea like that without justifying it. Just a tip: clarity is more important than vocabulary.

I can buy that for sure. I personally didn't feel that engaged with the gameplay, but what you're saying totally makes sense. It's just that most of the praise for the game I've heard is for the story in a way seemingly divorced from the gameplay, but you definitely make a better case for it.

I guess not. Please, explain it to me.

I'd have to say I prefer Eric Andre and Childrens Hospital. Brule is just tough for me to watch more than once in a good while. That being said, Reilly's commitment to the character is absolutely amazing. Honestly, I think the case could be made that Reilly is the greatest film/TV actor of my lifetime considering the