
Ehhh, The Last of Us is a bad example. To me it felt like a carbon copy of Children of Men, and from what I've heard (haven't read/seen it), The Road. Before video games will really be seen by the public as an artistic medium, we need more games that transcend the typical story telling structure of Hollywood

I actually just finished reading The Black Prism a few weeks back, and really didn't enjoy it that much. I'll grant that Weeks can write a strong action scene, the hectic nature of the climactic battle in the book read really well in my eyes. And the idea and detailed construction of the "light as magic" set dressing

Yeah, I don't know what everyone got so up in arms about. People snark like that on shows and movies here all the time, but when someone goes after one of the commentariat's pet favorites, it becomes a grave insult. Nothing in your comment warranted this kind of response, but you know, tribe psychology is a thing I

I guess that's true. It could play out in interesting ways in the future, and Bran needed to have a coming to terms moment like this about how his power can impact others. I just wish it played out in a way that didn't make me cringe.

We can only hope

Okay, totally fair then, I shouldn't have assumed and immediately ascribed blame to them.

And thus the decision is unimpeachable? I didn't know that, so you're right that then it isn't all their fault then. Martin made a hack plotting decision, and they signed off on it. So they're all to blame some I guess.

I know this is going to come off as real snarky and confrontational, so sorry about this, but that's because it didn't. It was manipulative, unearned, and honestly just laughable. We didn't need to have a plot critical justification for Hodor's speech pattern, it was just one of those weird character quirks that made

It was painfully bad. I'd been leery but on board so far this season, but this was a clear cut jumping the shark moment. That scene was laughable and completely unnecessary, and surely will be mocked in years to come.

It's gonna be a painful reveal next week when Bighead loses his 20 million for violating his NDA. This isn't how it's supposed to be. Bighead's supposed to keep failing upward. My dream of fumbling my way to billions of dollars is being completely thrown into jeopardy right now.

This is 100% what I thought everyone would be doing. The hedge on Melisandre is smart, because those odds are way too good and her plot purpose is served, but I'd put the odds at no one from the list dying at more like 2-1 or 3-1. 10-1 is just absurd. Theon's gotta get a bit involved back at the Pyke I think, so he

I don't find their videos funny, but I don't begrudge you for that. It's for the simple fact that they market themselves as snarky criticism, and then make lazy observations that the directors have almost always accounted for anyway. It's lazy and it's malicious, in that a lot of people will mistake their videos for

I strongly disagree, Cinema Sins may state their questionable mission statement in that one video on their main page, but most people are clicking on a link for a movie they like/dislike for the first time to see what they have to say. "Everything Wrong with X" sounds like it's going to be criticism to the layman

I really did think it was a very strong season right up until that last episode.

I was really on board with it until the last episode just sort of tanked with me. I was expecting so much more of that finale. I mean, honestly, why was the Punisher even in that last episode?

Honestly, Bojack and OitNB are the only two shows you mentioned that really hold up. Master of None always just sort of felt like Louie Lite to me, and while it's great that we're getting a comedy from a different perspective like that, it never really felt anything more than slightly above average to me.

Ah that makes sense, I'm going to have to apologize then. I get a little defensive about Clerks because I've seen some cheap shots taken at it on this site in articles that don't really have anything to do with it. I just sort of equated this with some of those throwaways. Sorry.

So I have a question for all the Gravity Falls fans on the AVClub: Was Wendy a character or just defined by her relationship with Dipper? Throughout Gravity Falls first season, I feel like Wendy is essentially solely defined as Dipper's crush. Every bit of character development they give to her serves just to make her

"The juvenile belief that life is, as Kevin Smith famously wrote on behalf of all juveniles in Clerks, a series of down endings is idiotically shortsighted."

Venture Brothers (if you're willing to wait until 2020), Eric Andre, Children's Hospital, Newsreaders, and Mike Tyson Mysteries are all solid. Pretty bare in comparison to some of their old lineups though.