
I've heard it said before, on national radio no less, that environmentalism was stupid because God wouldn't let us damage the earth.

How is babby formed? How girl get pragnant?

Whenever I read about black holes, this is what I think of and I always wonder why micro black holes are never brought up. When I read about them many years ago they were likened to eddies made when you drag your hand through a pool of water. Seems like the perfect seeds for galaxies and a good explanation of an

In another life I wanted to become a theoretical physicist. I just wanted to say thank you to io9 and Dr. Goldberg for these articles.

Regarding Charles II, that's what happens when you reduce a family tree to a family bush

incest is a family affair?

+1 for the period piece idea. Basically anything from the end of the Survival Guide works for me.

A company makes $1,000,000 per year gross and has 10 employees. It's supply expenses are $300,000. The CEO/Owner Takes home $400,000. How much does that leave for the 10 employees for salary?

I think the problem is that the 1% defenders really have no idea just how much wealth those 400 people have. For the vast majority of Americans (or humans, really) even "just" a million dollars is an abstract number. But the 1% have a thousand million, or ten-thousand million. How do you quantify that to someone that

I think this is what many of you were looking for regarding the lobotomy tools:

What isn't irresponsible? All the companies have to do is tell the FDA/Hospitals/Whoever, "oh yeah, the November production got botched. Sorry, we won't be able to ship it."

I know you're a troll and all, but to the other people who agree, try re-reading the article. It plainly says the problem is in the manufacturing process and the companies not reporting defective production with enough time to adjust. The problem is with private industry being irresponsible.

In America (F- Yeah!), violence of any kind at any level is a-ok. It's only when you mix in any kind of sex, or associations of sex, or the remotest hint of humans being sexual creatures that parents tend to get up at arms.

Way back in the usenet days I saw someone say that science fiction was science fiction, and that sci-fi was skiffy.

a candy wife perhaps?

"Why do Xbox games running on six-year-old hardware look nearly as good as a modern PC games?"

As it explains in the article,

For shame, not one Babylon 5 picture? The 3rd one for Dark Nova whatever it is could pass for Homeworld so that makes up partially, but come on.

I'm reminded of Clive Barker's Book of Blood (the movie), where, short version, the still living grifter protagonist's skin is continuously carved with the stories of thousands of ghosts. Eventually he's killed and skinned so his partner can continue writing ghost stories.