
@Charlie Jane Anders: appears to be an IE thing. Firefox 3.6.16 renders the pictures fine with the new layout, but IE8 does not (on 2 separate machines)

large pictures and the new layout don't play nice together

@Baxis-V: sorta-kinda, Bush messed up by not taking control of the situation. He let people that were either incompetent (Lousiana governor Blanco) or inexperienced (FEMA director Brown) "handle" it. By the time anybody with brains was involved the shit had already hit the fan, got sucked in the central air and was

@TenthPlanet: I dunno, Democratus seems to have no problems getting around or battling evil

I always said Doom II could fix the first movie easily. Just say they had it backwards, the demons weren't the exception to the super serum, the serum was *supposed* to make the demons, it's the super-man that was the exception. And actually make the formula come from hell.

not having read any more than the two jez articles plus comments, i'll just say that small-town texas is just different. the only pride these towns get are from the high school sports. anything that disturbs that status quo is just not acknowledged, normally. this spotlight that's getting shown on this town is showing

having grown up in a small north texas town, I can tell you that those people only care about football, basketball, football, and football. it would be more surprising if they didn't have a highly ranked sports team.

@916CALLTURK: God Damn. I did NOT need to know that thing existed.

@Sprzout: I've always hated spiders, but there were 2 incidences that didn't help. When I was 6 or 7 my mom went to a horse show or something so it was just me and my dad at our new country house in north Texas. We were watching TV when one of us noticed on the glass door there was a huge tarantula, about the size of

I'll tell my mother that the brown recluse spider bite she got in bed many years ago obviously wasn't a brown recluse or a spider bite since some guy in Washington said it wasn't and the doctors that actually looked at it were clearly wrong. I'll tell her not to worry about the black widow spiders in her tack room

Babylon 5: Kosh's transport; the White Star; the Shadow Cruisers; the Walkers' ship - true the last two didn't have names, but bloody hell they were awesome

@ApocalypseMeow: i got the survey some years ago, of course i didn't have cable at the time, so the best I could do was plug for Law & Order and Digimon: Tamers.

@eyeb1: just goes to show that Frank Herbert was... shall we say, prescient?

@Curves: But the ACLU only supports socialist commie pinko muslim homos. Limhan O'Beck told me so.

@Peter Wong: dumb as in things the CEO of a multinational multibillion dollar company shouldn't be saying.

@Marasai: Well, when they followed that philosophy of gameplay over graphics, we got 4 years of whining about the Wii.

@Manly McBeeferton: Going old skool, I really liked Colossus of Sardia. 1) it was my first major rare, 2) it was an artifact so it could fit in with any of the colors I built and 3) it was a flippin' 9/9 so it was insta-win in our very casual games.

I kind of think wow is incredibly violent as well as seriously depraved. You kill hundreds and thousands of sentient beings per zone, sure, that's pretty standard fare. But you also skin animals, remove their hearts, brains, gizzards. You remove trolls' eyes for quests. There's at least one quest where you kill