
I think the problem is you have people that 1) love Star Wars. 2) recognize the new movies are a poor imitation of the originals 3) look for whatever reason that the new is different than the old.

Why is there a social justice agenda in star wars at all? It’s a fantasy movie that harkens back to adventure serials of the early to mid 1900's. There should be heroes doing heroic things and villans doing villanous things. When you move away from that... well there’s a reason you don’t really see adventure serials

You actually have someone sitting at the cross road? Lucky. The lights around here, Baton Rouge, are on timers so a lot of time you stop for literally no reason. And apparently (this could be old guy bitchin’ at the bar rumors) after spending millions of dollars to synchronize the lights around here, the timers get

cable and dsl are the same way, too many people watching netflix in the same neighborhood degrades speed for everyone. I’m not sure about fiber but I assume that’s the same. The problem of course is the ISPs are feeding profits to their executive board and shareholders instead of continuing to maintain and upgrade

Is HAL-9000 an actual AI? The whole problem was it had an un-resolvable conflict in its programming. If it killed the crew because of a missing semi-colon, it just seems like a normal, if complex program.

I picked up System Shock 2 from steam a couple months ago. Got into the ship and started exploring with the lights off. Opened a door, heard a zombie and went “noope, not ready for that yet.” Turned it off and haven’t made it back.

I powered through Moon just to get it done and to get my living pokedex updated, but it scarred my soul with how aggravating the constant, loooong, unskippable cutscenes were. I bought Ultra Sun for the new ultra beasts and after just a few hours, I think I’m done with Pokemon forever. I’ve played since Blue on a Game

It’s not a shame, there are many of us. I caught the fever when DS3 was huge and bought all three games (hey it can’t be that bad, right?). First game I got to the bridge that the dragon guards and you’re (I guess?) supposed to strip naked and run. I died. Came back, said hi to Solaire, wandered around a little and

It’s because it doesn’t really add anything that a long-press couldn’t accomplish. Sure it’s a neat gimmick, but Nintendo figured out people didn’t want 3d, and Microsoft realized Kinect wasn’t going anywhere. Unless Apple/App Developers actually do something that makes 3D Touch different than a long-press, it won’t

to be fair, trump didn’t wait until his wives got cancer to cheat on them, they were only pregnant.

I don’t know what Axelov is (or is that a tomatoface reference per Sarcastro? I’m not him/them). You can love McCain all you want, but he was a despicable human being (divorcing his wife while she’s dying of cancer? come on, that’s on par with Gingrich) and a dishonorable senator (Keating scandal, his general

“Look at the world around you. It’s largely a product of McCain’s foresight. None of this would be possible without him. He has left a unique mark on this nation and on this world.”

Seven was an obnoxious shit, but he wasn’t much younger than Bud when the show started.

Try not to notice his wide eyes with eye-lash looking shadowing either. In combination with the disturbingly full lips, Optimus looks very feminine. It’s disturbing.

If I pay $100 in taxes and get $50 as a tax break, or pay $100 in taxes but get $50 as a subsidy, there’s no practical difference.

The way I see it, the problem is that Roger Rabbit had Bob Hoskins. Happytime Murders has Melissa McCarthy. She doesn’t have anywhere near the straight (wo)man talent that he does.

They probably told him several times to remove it but didn’t want to push the issue till now, for whatever reason. When I was in high school I had a bumper sticker on my car that was somewhat impolite. They let it slide for several weeks but eventually the principal told me it needed to go. Since I didn’t want to get

it’s working for me, but it just seems to be random images smeared with vaseline. *shrug*

Agree, but on the other hand he was talking about John McCain who crashed 3 (4?) jets, killed servicemen in one of those crashes, and whose fame through family directly harmed other POWs. His time as a senator (Keating scandal), or a human (see his history of affairs and abuse reports) isn’t exactly a paragon of

Wait until we have a Democratic lead FCC, then we’ll see some republican finger pointing.