
@Vidikron: you're right, they wouldn't, but with the tegra chipset and probably tegra2 by the time it's released, winphones will be more powerful than any other gaming handheld.

@soap_box: If you do the second playthrough, you should easily hit 50 before you're even halfway through. And do those quests! the xp on those is way better than grinding.

@Nawara_Ven: Balder summoned Cereza through maguffin magic

@nerdrage32: I've gotta go in for Bayonetta too. They're too over the top humorous, and really well done. It didn't even occur to me that it had to have been motion capture until the end of game dance routines.

@suzq044: Is this what you're talking about?

@Sylar will take the power from Crecente's hair: Promontory got everything except eridian guns and rocket launchers to 50 on my main. Course eridian guns suck on the aliens, and rocket launchers suck on everything that isn't 3 stories tall.

@dracosummoner: very quick. If you do all the side quests, you should beat the first playthrough at 35-36. I've been hitting 50 around halfway through the 2nd playthrough. Only thing to level after that is weapon proficiencies, which can take a very long time depending on how ocd you are, meaning whether you level all

Shish, I read the comments before watching the video and thought it couldn't be that bad. The first part of the video I thought, tiberium pipes, okay so i'm just going to build a SC style vespane collector on top of the pipe, that's okay I guess. Then I realized what broheim in the beanie was really talking about.


@RaginKaGin21: Tell you one thing...I can't remember a single soccer player doing any of this stupid shit."

@mother_ship: I remember seeing (ages ago) one person that classified so called sci-fi as "skiffy," rather than science or speclative fiction. I think it's easier to classify junk food like Star Trek as skiffy and leave it at that.


@Gyaruson: I've been trying to get my friends to buy it (for xbox) for 2 months now. I love Borderlands, Dr. Zed was a little tiring because of the travel times and the braaaaains quests, but I haven't had this much fun on the xbox since... um, I don't even know when.

@billjrj: but, but, but.... you can't just /throw/ a Hellfire away. I mean who cares how crappy the firerate/accuracy is.... it just kills... everything.

@R_Shackelford: @kasplat: you can get a few easy achievements with the 2nd controller too.

@Ecks: re: the zombie levels, when you beat the main game the 2nd time, all mobs bump up to 50/51, including the zom-zom. They're still not insanely difficult (especially with hellfire+headshots), but it is a teensy more challenging.

@dj_chick: the guy talking realized it too when he started to say 90+ percent then stopped himself. So it really is about as intellectually dishonest as you can get. Especially as a "journalist"

@FuzzyHorror: I have to throw in there too, think about all the prominent conservatives who either act uneducated (Gretchen), or actually are uneducated (Beck and Limbaugh). Throw in their super-success and Joe Blow can say 'well these guys are just like me, and they're multi-bajillionaires so those elite schools just

@Mrs Lovett: "This kind of blind political dogma is just so fucking terrifying. You have to wonder what these people really want, because talk about a fucking Master Plan."