
@smith186: especially since you get 10 free downloads to keep. So you pay $180 or whatever but you get to keep $120 worth of music.

@Adjuchas: yah, I remember those guys, was that .8? .9? I loaded it back up and blizz definitely softened the bosses a bit. I remember plenty that were spectral hit (which in hell mode was effectively elemental immune as well), immune to physical, lightning enchanted and multiple hit. they hit you, you die, you hit

@Flankenstein: hopefully this'll be stronger and less annoying than the assassin. Charging strikes seem like a good idea if the final effect is strong enough to do some damage. But if they're not, then you just hope the barb/zon/sorc notices you need some help.

@Syril: I know, it's like they noticed that nobody used the paladin's charge, and decided that people didn't know it existed, rather that understanding it was underpowered and annoying.

@Zero_Armada: and if the DOT is anything like D2 poison, you'll never see anything explode from said DOT after the normal mode 2nd act. ever. period.

@GnatB: just a minor correction, the x-wing/tie fighter (and later the tie advanced though it never replaced the standard fighter) were the space superiority fighters. The a-wing/tie interceptor were for recon primarily. and like you said the y- and b-wings/tie bomber were for capital ship and installation assault.

I think it's an interesting glimpse into someone's psyche and what a person notices when they see/remember something. She tried to focus on her head, which lead to the diminished body and legs. Uncertainty of deatails lead to other abstraction, especially the bang/curl thing that turned horribly awry. same with the

@waywardchemist: Killing star destroyers, damn right. Missile turrets, turboblaster turrets, shield generators, then boom baby!

@Grahamunculus: [insert sarcastic "chocolate city" comment] (look up Ray Nagin if you don't get it)

@Bardock44: Baton Rouge resident here, and I agree with ya.

@jargy1: how much grind could it have when your phaser should be able to vaporize almost anything?

@EGBTMagus: I was really just thinking that, those kinds of rigs and Source is the best they can do???

I should also like to add that as someone that compares google maps to new orleans property lot maps every day, google is /always/ off by at least 2 houses, and sometimes as far as a mile. Likely it has to do with the underlying addressing software but I wouldn't trust it at all in an emergency.

I rarely use online services for directions (Navigator GPS FTW), but for my work, I use a combination of Google, Google Street View, and Local-Live. Live's bird's eye view has been a real life saver and has been extremely helpful