
You mean the Democrat governor of Alabama, right? We all remember that the infamous racist politicians like him and Roberty Byrd were life-long Democrats, right?

A very small amount of money. most of the profits Toyota makes on vehicles made in America goes right back into the American economy via production costs and R&D and other stuff right here within out borders. someone actually figured out just how much goes back to Toyota of Japan here

Does Jalopnik know anything about politics? No? Then why is Jalopnik writing about politics and not cars?

“While many wallow in sadness about the election of a racist, sexist person into the highest U.S. office...”

I’ve really had it up to hear with the political crap here lately, especially the opening sentence. You guys need to chill out and get in touch. I’ll be back in a few weeks when you guys hopefully give it a rest.

Not as embarrassing as all the Liberals that are burning down their cities because the election didn’t go their way.

First reply! Remember when Brian Kelly killed that kid?

The U.S. car gets hood vents, which are banned in Europe because of apparent pedestrian safety regulations.

You’re pretty serious about GM products.


These fans are LaBatt-shit crazy

I like how the person behind this camera didn’t film any other cars. He just knew that the good footage today was going to be the Mustang.

Ban all Mustangs from car shows and make America great again - D. Trump

Sorry, RWD cars with power...

Just take your smartphone, put the video you want to share on the screen, and try to throw the phone up into a cloud.

Except it’s currently under 114' of ice, so other than bickering about political concerns that will completely change by 2090 there’s nothing that can actually be done. Once the ice starts to melt and there’s a possibility of actually accessing the site, let’s reassess the situation then (if the US or Greenland even

So the ice has more than quadrupled and is still increasing, and shows no signs of stopping until possibly 2090 based on models? Seems like something we should put on the back burner for now.

And Hillary’s emails.....

“Climate change” is not a myth.

I guess there are blind spots on these little Carrs.