
Have you sat in or seen the trunk on a ‘15-16' WRX? I have a 2 year old and my wife is due with our second in December. My wife is 5'11" and has plenty of leg room with a infant and rear facing convertible seat behind her. We had no problem taking the WRX from Wisconsin to Sebring this year. The trunk is more then

I told my wife this at Sebring! I can't get over the sound also, it sounds like a fart can from auto zone. Otherwise it is awesome.

As an owner with 2016 WRX base and the proud father of a 16 month old daughter, I agree wholeheartedly with the article. We currently just travelled from Wisconsin to Sebring for the 12 hours and the WRX performed more than admirably. It handled the pack and play, two weeks of clothes for wife, daughter and myself,

Same problem here, have a 14 month old and the Mazda 3 hatch wasn’t cutting it with the recaro behind the passenger seat. I upgraded to a ‘16 WRX, and couldn't be happier. Lots of room for the wifey and the recaro. We will be among it down to Sebring for the 12 hours, which should provide the ultimate test.

Oshkosh actually raced a MATV in the Baja 1000 a couple of years ago. This truck weighs a third less but still shares some of the same DNA.

The truck they entered in the Baka 1000 was the MATV which is the MRAP they made for Afghanistan. This truck is smaller and is a third of the weight of the MATV. This truck also has a new tak4 suspension, tak4i, and this suspension is a major upgrade.

Born and raised in Oshvegas, dad works for Truck. Currently live in Neenah and work for the fire truck manufacturer up 41. They released a video at work showing the difference between the tak4 on the matv and the new tak4i found on the jltv. Judging by the video the government made the right choice, it was night and

That is the only way to cook a brat. I am a freak though, depending on mood it's either ketchup (nnnoooooo) and raw onions or Düsseldorf mustard and kraut.

I reside in Neenah, WI and coincidentally we had brats for diner. Johnsonville is the only way to go. I’ll take 75 degree weather, brats on the Weber and an ice cold beer any day. On a side note, the steak sandwich at Canada Corner is also pretty damned good.

And the problem is?

Pretty sure that is a coyote.

Well you must be one of thoughs old racist white men ie a republican or libertarian, lol. The comments on this "story" are pretty funny and to think that we are the clueless ones!

And now you look like an idiot. Waiting on the second professional journalistic correction stating the story was a hoax. The liberal blitzkrieg utilized by this site is staggering as is the ill informed stories.

he was a full line higher then the other cars, he didn't intend to kill the kid, like you I believe he was trying to intimidate, which is his m.o., and it back fired in the worst possible way.

This is why I bought a 2010 Mazda3 2.5, decent performance, above average reliability.

The want is strong for these. Ditch the denim and keep the 4-spoke rims. In the video the stance of the free flow is unbelievable ( front view). Make this Nissan, and make it now!