
It’s not often that a Canadian tuxedo is the most reasonable thing on a person.

He’s a black belt in Hulk Smash.

He’s trained in the art of shrugging off your attacks as he calmly snaps your bones like if he were preparing kindling for a camp fire.


Which is extra ironic because cars are one of the things gun control advocates point to as a system of training, registration, and public accountability applied to something that can be deadly, but that’s stated purpose is transportation, which should be the very minimum applied to fucking guns, which only exist to

It’s not a joke. Our Twitter replies are full of gun nuts demanding to know when Obama will force background checks on cars.

As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.

I think it is quite literally nothing like that. A proper comparison would be saying “You may not like the taste of it, but he’s a michelin rated chef, so whether you like it or not, doesnt impact how good he is at his job”

not so much about being funny as it is how talented he is at impersonating the voices.

That’s what happens when you have a Hobbit at wide receiver.

The best part about this is he’s not even playing Bernie Sanders. He’s just playing Larry David. And it all works!

For such an anti-Left stooge, he sure took a lot in government handouts. Must be a Republican.

I can’t really blame him, as I also got tired of coming in Stockings after my teenage years.

Tell them Steve S. sent you!

They were driving high and endangering other innocent motorists on the road, sure I’d rather they’d not be dead, but fuck ‘em. These are the kinds of people who wipe out other people’s families simply because they’re getting their own jollies off.

If “fourth-degree throwing of bodily fluids,” is spit, I don’t want to know what first degree is.

Over-worked, under paid, under appreciated and surrounded by shitty kids? Yes give that person a firearm.

A Schiano Man spikes the ball on 4th, SO HE CAN FORCE A FUCKING FUMBLE ON THE VICTORY KNEEL!

They’re giving out practice squad trophies in Miami no wonder the team is bad at football they’ve been coddled and hugged and told they were special by their handlers and personal assistants in my day the only personal assistant a quarterback had was his conscience and if any scrub player picked him off in practice,

Getting paid over $100,000 a year to make Ryan Tannehill cry? I’m sure they are enjoying that practice squad paycheck thoroughly.