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    My only real response to that is if what you’re saying is true then we wouldn’t need to update older works of art (movies, books, songs, etc) at all, which I understand is essentially your point of view. I personally would just rather raise my child in a world where they weren’t exposed to cutsey old songs from an era

    I don’t think it is a different situation, I think it’s different degrees of the same situation. The Tarzan story is a classic star crossed lovers story with heavy action and adventure elements that happens to include some racist and sexist elements in it that need to be removed in order for the story to be able to be

    See, I agree with you that functional adults should be able to separate the past and the present, but that doesn’t mean that we should keep on parroting something from the past that means something different in the present. That’s like saying that there would be nothing wrong with casually calling brazil nuts “n*****

    Might take some other re-wording here and there, but I agree that it’s not exactly beyond saving. I just couldn’t in my mind articulate how to say that.

    See, I’ve had the same argument be made towards me about that song, but in my mind it really doesn’t matter what the context of the time was. If a piece of artistic history becomes inappropriate due to changing societal norms it can still be appreciated, but it should no longer be celebrated in my book.

    That was true for the majority of the console’s lifespan, yes, but near the end of the life of the system they began releasing emulated PS2 classics through the PlayStation network, so at least on a game by game basis emulation was definitely possible.

    What’s worse is that they made the same mistake in the original article, and many of the top comments were pointing out this exact same thing. I love ya, jezebel writers. Your website is one of my favorites. That said, please don’t make the same mistake twice in less than a week. >.>

    I checked Gamestop before I sent it in and their cheapest ones were 95. Where have you seen refurb systems for 60?

    I checked Gamestop before I sent it in and their cheapest ones were 95. Where have you seen refurb systems for 60?

    Nope. Texas. Repair was 65 dollars, then shipping to and from their repair facility in California was 10 dollars, and then there was approximately another 7 dollars in taxes. So yeah, *technically* out of warranty repairs from Nintendo for any system in the 3DS family cost 65 dollars, but they neglect to mention the

    Nope. Texas. Repair was 65 dollars, then shipping to and from their repair facility in California was 10 dollars,

    although your point is valid, I take issue with saying that “Wicked” is in any way shape or form based on “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” It’s a story set in the Oz universe, yes, but there are many stories set in the oz universe. Baum himself wrote 14 cannon stories in that universe, with other authors adding somewhere

    ... I just sent my old 2DS in to nintendo a week ago to be repaired so I could give it to my nephew for christmas. Grand total after tax and shipping (and without a game included) was about 82 dollars. ;_;

    ... I just sent my old 2DS in to nintendo a week ago to be repaired so I could give it to my nephew for christmas.

    Kinda wish I had seen this one when they were asking for submissions, ‘cause I’ve got an odd story of my own.

    I know I’m obviously in the minority, but although I do wish they had stuck with the original sprites I would much rather play this than the SNES or GBA versions. The SNES had a horrible translation, and although the GBA version fixed that it has a bizzare aspect ratio that the game was not designed for, and the use

    I just realized my phone was auto replacing fracking with cracking. Whoops.

    It’s important to note that getting rid of cracking is not the same as getting rid of drilling for natural gas. It’s simply getting rid of a destructive technique of doing so that has been linked to everything from chemical linked ground water to earthquakes, which even has some oil companies worried. Although some

    They never said or even insinuated that the behavior was called for. All that was stated was that the behavior was not surprising given how much of a crummy place it is to work for. Something CAN be understandable without being okay.

    It’s from Avatar: The Last Air Bender, if you’re wondering. *nods*

    VsXIII is not the same as XIII. It’s the old name for XV. People are saying that’s what it looks like, not the XIII combat.

    Agreed on both accounts. Although original generation Pikachu looks cuter, the more modern interpretations just seem more true to the concept of the character to me. As far as Goku goes... I honestly don’t understand why anyone would think the older design looks better. Old Goku looks like a hastily drawn concept. New

    Giving me more credit than I deserve. I was a 92w (AKA Water Treatment Specialist). That said, we did a fair amount of range days simply because there is absolutely squat for a water treatment specialist to do in the states, and there’s only so many times they can legitimately tell you the proper order to hit switches