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    Thanks for the info. I was talking as an ex soldier, and thus using my personal frame of reference (rifles!) Never been interested in hunting or shotguns personally, and thus know next to nothing about them. That said, somehow I think the folks who would be interested in doing something idiotic like shooting down an

    Someone always pulls out this argument every time the amazon drones are mentioned. My reply is simple: you try hitting a small moving target high in the sky that likely will be programmed to make random evasive manuvers specifically to prevent being shot down with a civilian rifle (or shoot, a military one). Will some

    Honestly there’s an MMO mouse that’s been out for a long time in various forms which is a lot more practical than that bizzare thing: the Razer Naga line. It doesn’t try to re-invent the wheel for a mouse, but it does have an array of 12 buttons on the side of it that by default are set to mimic the number row on your

    Please, please tell me they realize that Candy Crush has already had its day in the sun, and that (if I’m not mistaken) King has made the news multiple times in the past year or two for having to lay off noticable amounts of it’s staff due to not having had another big hit recently. I mean, in what world does

    Pretty much all safety razor blades I’ve ever bought use some variation on either ceramic or titanium coated stainless steel and the handles are pretty much all stainless steel as well, so honestly you don’t need to worry about rusting. I personally don’t recommend taking them apart between uses if you have any little

    Pretty much all safety razor blades I’ve ever bought use some variation on either ceramic or titanium coated

    so I hate to be “that gal,” but please, please, fact check your stories against your own website at least.

    Babycat lived in Texas back when the wildflower initiative was at full force and there were bluebonnets and indian paintbrushes lining all of the major highways. One day my mother decided to take some pictures of my sister and me by the side of the road frolicking in an especially luscious display of the flowers. The

    Obviously you’ve got a gigantic amount of replies, but I just can’t resist giving one of my own (sorry!). If you’re into fantasy, try Patrick Rothfuss’s King Killer Chronicles. First book is The Name of the Wind, second is The Wise Man’s Fear.

    Someone hasn’t ever read their saturday socials, or really looked through their comments too much in general. Although Jezebel certainly has some “feminazis” as people call them, there are many posts where someone says they’re a dude, either tangentally, and they’re treated with complete respect. I’d go as far as to

    So, gonna be a bit of a devil’s advocate on this one. My niece was unrelentingly picky about her lunches for her first year of school, so my sister went to instagram with her and started looking at pictures of lunches, telling my niece to point out the ones she’d eat. Inevitably they all ended up being the cutsey

    Sorry to be a bit of a stickler, but for the sake of anyone actually looking for the trade I have to correct you about the name of the book. It’s “Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader”

    It’s still in the works. Coming out by the end of the year. September I want to say?

    You know, I read through every reply in your thread, and every other reply to the article, and I’m shocked no one has brought up Shin Megami Tensei’s push turn system as a true example of interesting turn based battles.

    My favorite explanation is actually from the Batman/Superman Adventures plot arc that introduced Supergirl into that version of the continuity. In it, at one point Clark has taken Kara out just to kinda show her around, and they end up walking past a giant statue of Superman. She stops and stares at it thoughtfully

    This is just a random guess, but I’d assume it has to do with the complexities of downsizing the pieces without losing quality. Think of it as if you were drawing a gigantic image and then downsizing it. Although the quality loss isn’t nearly as dramatic as if you were up-sizing an image, when downsizing you don’t

    ... You’ve made me want to binge read all of the IDW Transformers stuff... is the series just called “Transformers?” are there runs that aren’t worth looking at? HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN A THING? Also, darn you for telling me about something that sounds this awesome the day after FFXIV: HW was released.

    Except for that it’s not really as big of an issue as developers would have you think. One of the elements of android (the Dalvek Cache) is there specifically to automatically optimize programs to whatever hardware is in the android running device. It was set up like this from very early on in order to allow android

    Not normally. The graphics for this appear pretty darn rough, as others have said, and we’re not sure why. Normally the graphics are more along the fidelity of a late era ps3 or 360 game after the developers had gotten used to the systems and were eking out every bit of graphical power they had available to them.

    I know this is kinda a necro post, but I wanted to thank you for the link to that article. It had me tearing up, but in the very best possible way.

    Evidence of a yarn textured or covered yoshi amiboo was leaked a few months ago if I’m remembering correctly, so I’m assuming that yes, it is going to be a thing. I’m not sure if it’s actually going to be soft or if it’s just yarn over a plastic shell though.