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    Have to add another exception to your rule: The Persona fighting games. Although in fairness those were practically vnovels where you used fights to unlock the next bit of character interaction.

    Thank you for mentioning this! I knew I couldn’t be the only person for whom this was the first thought.

    As a pre-transition white trans woman living in Texas, I’m in a position of both great privilege and great danger depending on if I decide to wear a dress and some falsies on any given day. This has given me some limited insight into how horrible people can be, and in the wake of recent events I’ve made a pledge to

    A friend called me on my lunch break and randomly started giving me glowing praise about how amazing it was that I knew I was female, wanted the world to know, and had served in the military. I hadn’t heard the news yet. When they finally got around to telling me I was like “yup. Sounds about right. I’m already

    Hey all. A common complaint in the comments is essentially “was this really worth writing an article about?” Now personally I tend to enjoy your articles, even the quirky ones, but it does raise a question in my mind: what IS the process of getting an article, especially one not directly related to gaming, approved

    Jackfruit really is an amazing thing. That said, my favorite twist on jackfruit pulled pork was on chefshock (surprisingly fun streamed cooking show on twitch). The chef used jackfruit for the main body of his vegan pulled pork, but added silken tofu as well and mashed the two together. The advantage to this is that

    I haven’t played it, but I can tell you from past experience with the Persona franchise as well as the larger Shin Megami Tensei franchise that they tend to as a general rule make sure any game can be played without knowledge of what came before. This isn’t done Final Fantasy style, and the various sub franchises

    Actually, high end does have some in the $2000 range, but most of the dream gaming laptops people wish they could buy are $2500 to $3500, with some being upwards of $5000. So yeah, you actually undershot the mark.

    Back in 2013 I had just started playing WoW because some friends were doing so. It was Easter season, so WoW had it’s Noblegarden event going on.

    Having seen this I’m actually curious what it would look like at MAX setting only at 100*105 resolution. I wonder if there would be a noticable difference.

    The video spends about the first two minutes talking about that very article and wondering if it had anything to do with this project. :)

    This is mostly for Heather, but I know Kotaku staff other than her is pretty diverse and might have general thoughts. As a trans woman relatively early in the transition process I’ve tried going to various support / social groups for people in my position near me, and I see almost universally an attitude of “don’t

    I wouldn’t worry about that. The need to match the number of marvel characters is part of why in the past Capcom has brought in characters from non-fighting game franchises they own like Phoenix Wright and MegaMan. Capcom has been around a long time. They have all the characters they need.

    I remember reading an article about this feature earlier this year where they were saying it was live in several countries, but had not been announced for the US at the time, so I am pretty sure it’s not US only. Doesn’t mean it’s world wide of course. A lot of these types of features have really random countries

    It’s hit and miss. Some Trans people have had luck getting their insurance to pay for the surgery and others haven’t. Apparently a lot of it depends on whether or not you’ve been officially diagnosed when you get the insurance. If you have they’ll often hide behind pre-existing condition. If not, it’s more likely they

    I understand your point. Mine is that you are making the assumption that she could have simply “had the surgery all on her own” if she hadn’t broken the law when that’s not true. There are a large amount of trans men and women who desperately want said surgery but are not able to have it due to monetary concerns both

    While Ms. Manning’s a troubling figure to have to have as one of the major activists in the trans community, I can tell you as a trans veteran that regardless of legal status developments involving her are quite important, not only for her unique case but for the case of more conventional transgender veterans.

    As an aside, if you follow the steps above on a marshmallow device up to holding on the logo after getting it to pull up from the settings menu it’ll get you to a flappy bird clone.

    They’ve done a post launch update that improved the parser some. It’s still a bit picky, but it’s much better than it initially was.

    No experience with this one but total conversion mods normally have an installer program that automates everything. The only things you need to keep in mind are that it’s expecting a clean copy of the game with no other mods installed and that you can’t safely install other mods afterwards unless they’ve specifically