I hope the game has as much political rhetoric as the original - it's the satire that made the game stand out for me.
I hope the game has as much political rhetoric as the original - it's the satire that made the game stand out for me.
Braid? Probably one of the deeper/more pretentious games out there.
Isn't the biggest aspect of the game supposed to be fully functioning programmable computers that actually control the ship? I feel like most of the movement/shooting game-play is kinda irrelevant since the game is supposed to be about using engineering skills to create/automate/run your own spaceship.
I feel like racing games have a bit of an inherent advantage, since they're almost always in motion, which obscures little mistakes. On top of that, you never really spend time staring at individual props, objects, and animations in the environment like you might for an FPS.
Since both the Eye and the EyeToy were only 2D cameras, they run into a bunch of problems that traditionally plague vision-based approaches to gestures. From what I remember of the original EyeToy, most games just overlaid some interface on top of the video.
I feel like it has to do with more stuff being handled client-side, so the load is balanced easier. This would be unacceptable in a retail multi-player game because there would be no authentication against hacked clients.
And that is why I only play with ENB. I only have a mid-level rig, so I can't play Skyrim on its highest settings, but certain ENB configs will give great performance while making the lower graphics settings look godly.
"lets users shop by mail-order"
The Itcher 2
Lol, I always assumed Windows 8 was tablet exclusive. On tablet its pretty great - I was able to run Steam on a preview model, but I can see how the interface would be impossible to use on a PC.
I owe Star Wars a lot for inspiring Battlefront and KOTOR - the games that got me interested in video games as a whole.
Aren't the creators of Inception/Dark Knight/300 making this? If so, I think they could totally pull of Mass Effect's unique visual aesthetic. I remember the 2009 Star Trek film definitely replicated that look.
I find immersing myself much easier in PC games for the reason you mentioned - larger field of vision. I have a decent HD TV, and setting the couch at a comfortable distance means that the TV itself takes up a very small portion of my view.
The two Sonic Adventures were always my favorite 3D sonic games. I never really liked the Generations/Colors/Secret Rings gameplay since they took 3D freedom out of the game. In the newer titles, you can only move left/right and forward/back and even then, there were a ton of 2D movement sections. The Sonic…
Didn't the original Modern Warfare basically create the modern shooter? I know since then the genre has totally stagnated, but I feel like it seemed fresh for its time in terms of story and setting - especially compared to previous Call of Duty's and other action-focused shooters.
What most people don't seems to realize is that the fact that it runs Android is irrelevant to being able to play popular titles - it just means its another platform to develop for. And the openness of the android platform makes the Ouya significantly easier to develop for than an Xbox 360 or PS3. Not to mention the…
Based off the info about the console, it'll be able to handle a number of xbla/psn games, unlike a normal tablet - but that's assuming they get specifically ported to the new platform.
Android is a lightweight linux.
If this console came with OnLive, it would probably a suitable replacement for the micro console, seeing as both are the same price.