I beat Mass Effect 2 in about seven hours - it's still one of my favorite games of all time. Eventually I will go back and do side-quests, lol, but I was too busy at the time and just wanted to see how the main story progressed.
I beat Mass Effect 2 in about seven hours - it's still one of my favorite games of all time. Eventually I will go back and do side-quests, lol, but I was too busy at the time and just wanted to see how the main story progressed.
Yes - it actually uses screen capture, so anything that works in the local browser will work on the device. The Verge reporters felt like it lagged a bit, but that might just be connection interference on the show floor.
I think a controller is almost a necessary part of PC gaming - it at least is for me. For almost all games, my default is to use the controller - the only exceptions of course being shooters and strategy titles. The vast majority of games, I think, benefit from a gamepad.
Does anyone know how this stacks up to AeroFS? BTSync is really useful for transferring files over LAN, but for some reason it seems to be relatively slow.
I really like how many of the characters defaulted to their native languages when enter emotional distress. It was just an awesome small touch in an epic masterpiece.
He's the Steve of adventure games.
At first glance, that guy looks like Kyle Bosman.
Clearly, none of those commentators have played Sonic 2006. Or Steel Battalion, and most other Kinect games.
The Android approach of system defaults is awesome - pick which app you want for each purpose, be it the default app or a custom one.
What if EA pulled a Blood Dragon, and used assets/code from Battlefield 3 to create a Star Wars "expand-alone?"
Isn't TimeGate a really small independent studio? Man, this is just a terrible situation for everyone involved. In fact, they probably only greed to take on Colonial Marines (which they lacked the resources to handle) because they were in financial trouble.
After trying it for a bit, it's actually pretty cool - the whole treat web apps like native apps actually works really well here. Unfortunately, I'm just not sure it gels with how I typically use my phone.
Is this an actual new game, or just an overhauled client? I thought he said in the video that players could continue to use the old client to connect to servers.
That was an epic time-lapse, getting to see all the reference / source images used. I lol'ed when I saw slabs of meat and bicycles.
It looks like it has a USB slot for thumb-drives as well as a Micro USB port that allows connection to a PC.
I similarly disliked Angry Birds and Tiny Wings, but I really enjoyed games like World of Goo and Anomaly: Warzone Earth. Swords and Sworcery and Splice were also pretty amazing (all humble bundle games). These games were more like the games I enjoyed on PC, but most were better than their console/desktop equivalents.
I stand corrected.
Black and White wasn't funded by his own personal money.
Building is obviously a huge part of game, but the aspects that I enjoy are the survival, co-op, and objective-oriented aspects. Since the game has an end boss, you can really play it in many ways, trying to build the things that help you fight the dragon at the end.