I can see a system like this allowing the use of PayPal or Google/Amazon Payments for handling transactions.
I can see a system like this allowing the use of PayPal or Google/Amazon Payments for handling transactions.
The entire movie better be in that signature amber hue.
I think this version is the one created by Free Radical (Crytek UK) before the project got cancelled. At some point fans thought Spark Unlimited had taken over the project, but their unannounced sci-fi project turned out to be Lost Planet 3 -…
I think this game was cancelled in 2007 or 2008, so if it were released around that time, it likely would have matched industry standards.
I have to agree, global economic interdependence, mutually assured destruction from nuclear weapons, and political alliances have made officially declared wars unlikely (WW2 was the last officially declared conflict) - every developed country has much to loose from that sort of situation. But this doesn't stop…
At first I thought World of Goo was relatively simple narrative-wise, but as the game progress a more abstract story slowly starts to form - it's really fantastic! I remember playing the sunset level early on and thinking about how poetically beautiful and simple the whole game was.
I like the new commenting system, although I was hoping that the changes would include a better mobile interface for discussions.
Played the demo, and it was so bad. But not just in a terrible frustrating kinda way, but more of a sad it-had-potential kinda way. There were some great ideas, such as interacting with your squad mates inside the tank, and the ability to stand up outside of the tank and use binoculars (that's the coolest part, and…
Battlefront 3.
So how does moving to consoles eliminate server errors?
Please. Minecraft is the greatest MMO of all time.
I almost cried during the demo - the dialogue is just super amazing. I definitely have to purchase this game at one point.
This is how Zynga sees us.
It is one texture, but he used each channel of the image to store separate information, so he was able to fit multiple layers into one image.
I think the pilot from Battlefield 3 was female, but I believe she only appeared for a single mission. Call of Duty, at least, tends to represent a diverse variety of ethnicity pretty well.
I, for one, am looking forward to seeing Baldur's Gate reincarnated as an action focused steam-punk first-person shooter with fast-paced multiplayer and a huge amount of DLC.
The definition of game including an obstacle seems to rule out games such as Minecraft, in which there are no explicitly defined goals. In fact, the original article Kotaku referred to also kinda skirts the concept of Sandbox games, which don't necessarily have any sort of challenge at all.
What's pictured in the videos looks like placeholder art to me.
Did they think they could surprise us with a new Call of Duty? Lol.