I just have to say, as a Whovian residing in Belgium, you have given my life new meaning with this video. It definitely improves my French learning curve. Exterminé vous!
I just have to say, as a Whovian residing in Belgium, you have given my life new meaning with this video. It definitely improves my French learning curve. Exterminé vous!
Had to star you as a southerner myself (you may not be) who also lived in Finland. Talk about culture shock, though they were all amazed I could outlast them in the sauna thanks to southern conditioning. I can tell you from experience that the Finns aren’t nearly as bad as the Dutch, who honestly live up to their…
Do you have advice for home cooks? I really struggle to track my nutrition very precisely because most apps are geared towards purchased food or simple cooked food like oatmeal (which is my usual breakfast, btw). For home cooked food, you have to add all the ingredients together then divide by portion size, which can…
Yeah, parody is a fair use exemption to copyright law. I guess it applies as much to porn as other comedic acts, but they failed to cover that in my copyrights class. We did cover Tucker Max and revenge porn in another class, so yay education.
You should see Biznasty’s ice bucket challenge involving a helicopter, a speedo and glacier water. But yeah, ALS research garnered a lot of money without gratuitous sexiness by asking mostly normal people to be a little goofy.
Same here! And the guys seem to like them better, too.
Yes! Drug store, grocery store, etc. I’ve never had a problem finding them. Durex Avanti tends to be the most common and also the most liked. One manfried liked the lamb skin one the best, but they should be used only for contraception rather than disease protection.
Try nonlatex condoms. I thought condoms always chafed, too, until my gyno recommended them to me. Turns out that a surprising number of people have a low level allergy to latex. The manfriends have liked them, too.
I regret I have but one star to give this advice. Don't put women on the spot and let them be part of the process. It's like Will Smith's advice in Hitch - the man can lean in for a kiss but should stop short to let the woman reciprocate (or duck away). Giving the woman space to reciprocate will completely amp up her…
Oh please, that's not at all what I'm saying and if that's what you want to hear, you're on your own. There are a shitload of those blogs, and by all means, enjoy. I'm just lamenting that I absolutely cannot escape the stereotypical BS that pervades EVERY general woman's site, even one supposedly with a feminist…
Yeah I get that, and I'm fine with never clicking, but there's enough cross posting that it's inescapable. I thee dread is also really fucking annoying. I get it, I'm female, I'm supposed to be fucking interested in weddings and now "beauty". Well, again, I get enough of that just being a woman, so I'm legitimately…
I feel like Jezebel is going down a slippery beauty slope here. I like Jezzie because it's a women's blog that doesn't take itself too seriously but mostly because it didn't scream at me that I need to make myself more attractive. I get enough reminders of that just by existing while female.
Well, it's not like Michiganders know anything about cars, much less drive much. I'm sure they spend it all on public transportation and have excellent bike lanes.
Yeah well, men usually die first, so even if I got married is probably still die alone. Believe it or not, that actually makes me feel better about staying single.
But do you want the US to act unilaterally as the world police, or is that the UN's job? In theory, as you pointed out, the US acted in the Middle East because terrorists there are allegedly a threat to the US homeland itself. That's not the case for Boko Haram. I hope like hell the UN and African coalitions do…
Not in the UK! There, businesses (or at least pubs) have to let anyone use the facilities. I have fond memories of drunk Welsh people group hugging me* when I had to powder my nose at a quaint village pub. The restrooms are always in the back, so everyone literally watches you come in and leave, but no one questions…
I think what's worse is that so often when women try to provide gentle guidance as to what works for them, the guy reacts hostilely. Lord knows that's happened to me plenty of times. At best, I've been told I must be cold or difficult (I'm neither) and usually I get a grumpy reaction for throwing him off his game or…
thanks skymall. RBN looks like something I will find very helpful.
well of course this logic doesn't apply to working mothers of any type. Women should find themselves a man to take care of them and stop upsetting the natural order of things. Why, if women made good money, they'd all turn into feminazis.
I'm squeamish about eating the (full) digestive tract. So before pureeing them, I need them to be starved for a while to avoid having bug poop in the food. Yes, I know normal food has trace amounts of bug poop in it, but puréed bugs are going to be something like 10% poop.