This person belongs in an institution, and CPS needs to come for her kid.
This person belongs in an institution, and CPS needs to come for her kid.
God can take the wheel, so long as the state has her keys.
nothing about a kid with an antifreeze jug should make any rational person jumpy. That officer is unfit for society
No shit. If the cops are that jumpy they need to be in another line of work.
Traffic stops should not receive the death penalty.
Cops claim he was speeding* cops lie
Fascinating how every single time any person in the universe says “white people”, we have an entire brigade of neck beards running to their Mountain-Dew-and-semen-encrusted keyboards to shout “NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST!!!” before bringing things down to a more comfortable, subracist place, where they go on to…
“That three hours and 57 minutes i stood there and vandalized the statue and then fully explained why I was doing it IS NOT WHO I AM!”
So they can stand around passing the work off to each other before complaining that the immigrant who actually does it stole their job?
I’m a recovering opiate addict. In 2017 I was arrested when I was caught doctor shopping. Wasn’t a flight risk as I was single, and the only family I have are my 3 brothers who live together. I’ve lived at the same place for 18 yrs. No prior convictions. 1 previous arrest 10 yrs prior that was tossed out. My bond,…
“Nguyen was allowed by Judge Elisha Fink of the Washtenaw County 14-A District Court to post a $10,000 bail for his release, a decision harshly criticized by county prosecutor Eli Savit.”
“Watch the ring video, there are quite a few kids with no supervision, almost all of them white. I wonder if the guy was worried most about the far larger white kid. Not that he should have shot at all, but I don’t think the parents of these kids should let them play outside on this street.”
Bullshit. Bonds are also put in place when and individual is a danger to him or herself or a danger to society. Discharging a firearm in public is a danger to the community. Shooting at a child makes you a danger to the community.
Meanwhile, a judge has ordered Le-Nguyen not to return home
Cameras are just the worst thing that’s happened for cops. Youtube is just chock filled with video of cops doing bad things. It really makes you question the whole “bad apples” idea.
Just time and again the question is: What the fuck are cops thinking?!?
Lets not kid ourselves. If you grew up in a town in this country with at least say 75 years of history, then chances are at least half of the organization that run in that town had a racist past
There needs to be zero tolerance for this kinda shit. Go straight to jail. No bond. A prison sentence and enough of a fine that it ruins their lives forever. And do the same to all the assholes that harrass and assault retail employees.
This is money well-spent!
When we finally eat the rich, as least this one will come with a decent wine pairing.
This is why, whenever I hear about a black person ‘fleeing’ the cops, my first response is “How is that *NOT* a perfectly reasonable and justifiable response for any person of color in *THIS* country??”