That’s a fair compromise. Jeff Bezos is both the worst and the worst.
That’s a fair compromise. Jeff Bezos is both the worst and the worst.
I’m entirely willing to believe he treated white peons as just as beneath him as hispanic ones. Even if he is 100% not racist, he’s still a ragingly monstrous piece of shit for the way people who work for him are treated. Like such a piece of shit that I don’t think adding racism would actually make him a worse…
Disney no longer cares to be for everyone and it’s going to hurt their brand long term. Elitism is not compatible with the kind of real family friendliness that made Disney a generational brand.
Without the kind of fond family memories to drive people to make the “pilgrimage”, without the “magic”, it’s an overpriced,…
The biggest issue I have with your characterization in the final paragraph is it entirely relies on making a lot of groundless assumptions about Rowling being “this” close to “getting” it and it simply being an issue of persistent misunderstanding. In the same breath you paint her critics as monolithic and lacking the…
I’m mostly just surprised Red Alert was ONLY 14 years old. It feels so very 90s.
“But then they told me masks were un-American. Fine with cages though we had to reinforce and put roofs on them to hold the leopards. They jump better than the usual occupants.”
Yes they would. Haven’t you been paying attention?
You ever start to write a comment, rethink and read the other comments, and change your mind, realizing you are wading into deeper waters than where you belong?
I worry about the motives and mental state of someone who deals with Tesla owners bitching about charging times coming up with the idea of putting said owners in a wet, metal box with easy access to high voltage lines...
Wow, Boston has a much smaller municipal budget than I would have expected.
Yes, that was a terrible thing he did. But it was hours since those initial bullets were fired. No one was in imminent danger when he was shot. I get that this mother was upset, but they aren’t protesting the police showing up. They are protesting him being shot even though this mother and her kids were long out of…
I see two categories of complaint that make me laugh about these sites:
1) It’s just part of their larger agenda. They bury or downplay anything that doesn’t agree with their message while pushing questionable articles that support it. Journalistic independence is dead.
2) What’s with these guys? One writer puts out an…
“By Odin’s Fade”
Because black people don’t have beards.
Did they find and unfreeze someone from the early 90's to write this? This isn’t just filled with stereotypes, it’s filled with obscure, outdated stereotypes. Like someone sat down and researched every bad stereotype they could find from the last 30 years and…
This does resolve the issue of how Obi-Wan knew about Anakin being alive as Vader and that he was, “more machine now than man, twisted and evil,” in ANH.
I like to imagine there is some junior intelligence officer just shooting up the ranks somewhere because he figured out he can get the schematics for the latest tanks if he trolls enough people on the War Thunder forums.
I doubt they even think about it that deeply. This is a case of an asshole saying asshole things because they can’t help themselves and then being offended when other people treat him like an asshole in return. I guarantee you none of these people have the self-awareness to realize that people are just turning his…
I think the way they’re always admiringly described as “pulling themselves up by their bootstraps”, a phrase that was coined to describe something that was literally impossible, says everything you need to know about America’s dysfunctional subservience to the rich.
Given that her rise to fame started with a big booty and a sex tape, “get your ass up and work” may be sincere advice.
He’s such an asshole, he’s literally ruined my long-held dream of visiting Mars because all I can picture is being stuck in a pressurized dome along with a legion of his “weird nerds”.