
This isn’t even about them. This is about everyone who needs a public, messy tangle of contradictions that allow them to project their own strident opinions about everything from abuse to feminism to media(what I’m doing right now) to acting technique to their favorite franchises and everything in between all while

Cointerpoint: You’re conflating Youtube with influencer culture. While there’s a lot of overlap, they’re not the same thing.

Most people don’t have the time or resources to go do and see everything they want to do and see. People also have different desires when they travel. What’s a magical experience to you may be a

Also in the Italy category I would say skip Venice but consider Florence (although it has been more than a decade since I’ve been so maybe it has gotten bad too).

That sounds so on brand for Musk. Will insist that Earth laws don’t apply but that the contracts you signed on Earth will.

apartheid rick and morty edge lord

That’s correct. What annoys me is when people say that but also get mad at people for not giving enough notice, revealing their salaries to coworkers, or otherwise acting like you “owe” a business anything.

It works both ways. Companies can and do make cold decisions based entirely on their goals and the bottom line.

I’ve seen a lot of this take but hasn’t it basically just been Depp on the stand until yesterday? If so I would be shocked if he, as the plaintiff, and his lawyer didn’t present a case that painted him as innocent.

I haven’t watched and don’t know the ins and outs but was a little surprised when I found out all the

I’ve gotten mad. I’ve had outbursts. What I’ve never done is gotten so mad that I called someone a word I don’t normally use.

If that kind of thing actually happened, there would be a lot more stories about people randomly being called “Parka” or “Linguini” as part of a rage-quitting rant.

I would watch Shark Week: The Snyder Cut even if it would be 11 days long.

While I agree that it’s a problem the industry is trying to copy Marvel with half-baked movie “universes”, I don’t think it’s fair to lump the MCU itself in with that because they have given us something truly unique in movie history.

They’ve maintained popularity long past what other franchises have maintained because

No, he’s this way because he’s been rich and famous for long enough that he no longer has any experience with being told “no”. The brain damage is why his actions make no sense, not why he feels entitled to behave however he wants.

If the food increases were happening in a vacuum I’d agree with you but their approach seems to be changing since they got their new CEO. Before, Disney was big into the “Disney is for everyone” ethos but since Chapek took over, they seem to be going in a direction that tries to maximize revenue from each customer

“The woke mob” = Consequences for choices and actions

It’s also complicated by the fact that, as a celebrity, his social media is also a vital and sensitive marketing tool. It adds an extra layer of ickyness knowing that this was the result after putting thought in, carefully considering the implications, and probably asking his publicist.

JK Rowling

Interesting the way the dealership strong-armed him into siding with them to get the 1-star reviews removed. I strongly suspect they took no such action regarding the fake 5-star reviews. All because he said, in reference to DCH Ford of Eatontown, NJ:

Internet, you know what to do.

I can’t remember who wrote it but one article put it best (and I’m paraphrasing here):

Dave Chappelle can say he isn’t anti-LGBTQ all he wants but I wonder what he would say about a white comedian spending half their routine just sharing “facts” about black people. He wouldn’t give them the benefit of the doubt.

I bought used in November 2019 after a long debate on whether I wanted to keep paying to fix my ‘06 or take on a car payment again and was really happy I got a great deal. Then I got annoyed that I bought a car right before everything shut down and used car prices dropped when rental fleets unloaded their inventory.

“I’m so shook someone refused to take the bait on my leading question. I tried the same bullshit again and nothing! I feel the vapors coming on!

These are the same assholes who, seeing a black guy kneeling on the field, get mad about keeping politics out of their game chanting at their game about a sitting President. The hypocrisy is... well, pretty typical at this stage.