
GTA, like South Park, makes no effort to glorify the characters who have those attitudes. At most, they make them amusing parodies while thoroughly roasting the hell out of them. Usually the jokes and statements themselves and the people making them are the intended targets of ridicule and derision.

People don’t

I assumed the whole “My Friendly Neighborhood” thing was intentionally trying to evoke nostalgia for Sesame Street in a horror setting. It would make sense to look like Ernie.

Not sure if horror is included in the parody protections for copywrite purposes.

I’m not talking about finished works that were released. I’m talking about things that no one but a director and film editor saw. I’m talking about the bad, unused takes of the scene that made it into the movie that was instantly forgettable. I’m talking about all the little drafts and notes that every member of

Someone already pointed out that calls like this are only for big, institutional investors so unless you have a couple hundred million worth or run a fund that the rest of us have to pay fees to you to manage, you have zero say.

This doesn’t even take into account the fact that there are two classes of stock and the

I’m all for keeping released games in archives for preservation but I agree it’s a bit much to strive to keep ALL code and development files for every game ever made, released or not.

We don’t really consider it a great loss to movie history if unused takes or other footage that ended up on the cutting room floor isn’t

I feel for these airlines the same way I feel for all the restaurants who complain they can’t open because no one wants to work for them.

If you aren’t paying a wage commensurate to the hellscape in which you expect people to work, don’t complain to me when no one jumps at your offer.

They never realize how unintentionally honest they are when they blame it on “a few bad apples.” They forget the rest of the phrase is, “spoils the bunch.”

Game designers still labor under the myth justify their bullshit by acting as if the majority of games are bought by clueless parents at the behest of 13-year-old boys.

Another barrier to real solutions is corporate culture in the gaming industry. Executives have already proven that they lack empathy for other human

The biggest issue with laissez-faire capitalism is that the entire structure of large corporations is built to enable and cultivate sociopathy. The main reason middle management exists is so that upper management can make bloodless decisions that affect lower level workers without having to deal with them in any way.


You assume that nothing the cop did, like pepper spraying into the vehicle, may have caused the child to remove their seatbelt in panic. Almost like they instinctively wanted to escape a caustic chemical, the exact response pepper spray is supposed to invoke.

There is still no justification for the pepper spray and

Has it occurred to you the seatbelt wasn’t on because she may have removed it in a panic when the cop sprayed the family with pepper spray WITHOUT WARNING OR REASON?

Even in the police description, the officer deployed force without warning solely because someone was arguing with him. Not resisting or being threatening.

I wasn’t aware pepper spraying into a car without warning or instructions and then ramming the back of a car twice was normal police procedure. It just sounds like legalized road rage.

People always forget the full quote:
One bad apple spoils the bunch.

If they aren’t getting rid of their bad apples, they are all bad apples.

Don’t forget that police forces trace their history back to slave catchers and union busters that were given official power. Excessive violence was baked in from the beginning.

Rolls Royce wrote all that text to basically say, “This dude paid the most money ever to have a shitty, custom tailgate in a car that will NEVER see a public meadow or stadium lot.”

I’m pretty sure the picture is one of three times the back will EVER be deployed that way. The other two will be:

1) The [insert fancy name

How the hell do people spend years on the no-fly list because of a mistake where they share the same name as someone else but people like this don’t immediately end up there forever?

You’re understating when you say that the way people express things online “sometimes sucks.” :)

I think most reasonable people look back on some of the things they said and believed earlier in life and do cringe. I guess my point is most people believe things passionately and single-mindedly at some point in their

Some comedy is cyclical (not the homophobic jokes). We “forget” it’s wrong because it’s given shiny new packaging. There were jokes about Reagan being old. Then he got dementia and those kinds of jokes got less funny. Now we have Boomer jokes. Those will stop being funny when most of that generation is dead or dying.

“It’s just comedy, man” isn’t an excuse at all. It’s lazy deflection.

I just think the nature of the the comedian “career path” is biased towards spitting out that kind of lazy humor. Add in the stereotype that comedians tend to start from places of low self-esteem, and you have a formula that explains why comedians