You can get a backup camera and 4.3" display on Amazon shipped for $24. And someone is turning a profit on those! The cost to the manufacturer is almost nothing.
You can get a backup camera and 4.3" display on Amazon shipped for $24. And someone is turning a profit on those! The cost to the manufacturer is almost nothing.
I. Why do you even care if the ABS system works if you hate it so much?
Cost to repair and maintain? How often do you have to change the wiring to your taillights? Have you ever even seen a CMOS fail?
“You mentioned braking, or eluded too it by asking if i could see the car in front of the car ahead of me, and traction control, so i assumed you were talking about ABS, I’m fine with ABS but my point was even with it you dont always stop faster.”
I really have no idea what you are talking about traction control and braking for.
I guess your vast knowledge of your workvan allows you to see pedestrians behind you somehow?
Unless you are parking “by feel”, you aren’t beating a backup camera.
I use this on my carbon road bike. It’s good stuff.
Because your anatomy prevents you from seeing through your vehicle. Go ahead and remove your airbags while you are at. Wouldn’t want those going off when you didn’t want them too. You can sell them to recoupe that lost $5 for the back up camera, how do they even know what’s best for you?
The issue is not the distraction, it’s that your hearing is impaired. While you can probably hear a horn honking right next to you, you might not hear a siren off in the distance, or screeching tires, or alert chimes from your vehicle.
As far as backup cameras go, they are so cheap get a wireless back-up camera that has a mirror with an integrated lcd shipped to you for less than $30. And that is with a manufacturing and seller’s markup.
I think he is referring to the minimum amount of coverage. i.e. Liability that only covers $10k of damage.
Do you really leave your wipers on to wipe bugs off on a bright day or do you hit the mist button like the rest of us.
And you also can’t do massive rolling burnouts or pull a G in a corner.
Unfortunately the V is only available with the 8-speed automatic.
I think the biggest problem is packaging. I’ve actually made a few low-cost bluetooth speakers of my own by retrofitting old cabinet speakers. Mine have been relatively simple, using small 12 volt batteries and amplifiers to minimize cost and complexity. While it is much louder, and certainly more unique; I have been…
Assuming these actually sound decent, I think these would be kind of neat to have if they match your car. I bought a Bose Soundlink Mini 3 years ago for $200, so a $350 markup for a Porsche designed talking piece isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
Turning radius is one of those things you don’t really notice until you begin daily-ing something with a bad one. Trust me. 18.7 feet wtf?!?!?!?!?!?
It’s funny that you should mention that. The man lives in an unincorporated community not zoned for residence.
I highly recommend the K830. I had a K400 before it (which is what I’m betting your friend had) and it was awful. It had cheap plastic keycaps, a terrible trackpad, and flimsy construction.