Get a helmet mirror if your hearing is so bad.
Get a helmet mirror if your hearing is so bad.
I ride ~3,000 miles a year on public roads and the only time I can actually hear a car’s engine is if they are speeding up to pass, otherwise I rely on tire/wind noise.
The Camry I used to drive was almost inaudible unless the radiator fans were running. (The 1MZ-FE V6 was a crazy quiet little motor)
That’s the fun thing about commuting on my race bike! If I’m clipped in, I can beat your average car to 20mph from a dead stop (at which point they will leave me in the dust). But it is fun to surprise people at red lights.
If you want to go there, then what exactly is an assault rifle anyway?
In that case it’s the person’s fault for not simply looking both directions before crossing.
Is is really that hard to look both ways?
Your golf cart/retirement community argument is surprisingly strong.
I agree with you but it’s not entirely the drivers fault. People should look both ways when crossing the street. If you are walking in the street, walk as far to the side of the road in the oncoming lane so that you can clearly see all approaching traffic. There is shared responsibility from both parties.
As a cyclist (I ride about 3,000 miles a year on public roads), I rarely ever hear a car’s engine as it passes. The wind noise and tire noise are the generally what alert me to their presence.
I think it should be required that someone walk in front of them waiving a flag and tooting a clown horn.
This is in no way the same thing.
How is a tone going to prevent a deaf person from being hit by car???? Let’s add flashing strobes for the blind people as well.
This is a terrible argument. It has to be loud enough to be clearly audible (a.k.a. noise pollution), so I doubt it will be quieter than the already quite engines used in cars today. Making a good thing artificially worse is never a good thing.
I’m sure the demon would set a “fantastic” time around Nurburgring on pizza cutters.
I saw a much higher resolution gif on reddit (And even that gif was undoubtedly compressed as well). They’ll find this dude.
Factory CD player AND cassette player in my commuter. (and oddly enough, bluetooth and satellite radio, 2006 was weird)