Dr.Nemmo and his time-travelling submarine

There’s a real reason why they’re armed - there was an incident years ago in the SF east bay where FDA inspectors were going to a company and effectively shut it down. One of the executives came out with a shotgun and killed 3 of 4 on the spot, and the 4th barely got away. They’ve been armed ever since.

So much for rigorous cGMP practices.

I used to write software for a medical device firm and every so often, agents from the FDA would show up to examine the records, especially change orders. If they didn’t like what they saw, they could close the entire operation down until they were satisfied. And when I say agents,

Exactly why I’m ‘the one guy’ still using a Motorola. It has an SD slot to hold my excessively-large ripped library and a headphone jack to use my too-expensive headphones. Only mid-tier and lower phones offer those items any more.

My Spotify listening time was 92,467 minutes last year. I have damn-near filled my phone with ripped audio from my own CD/record collection. I walk to work everyday and listen to music while walking, and throughout the workday. I’m a life-long musician and audio freak. I don’t need a fast phone with the be-all-end-all

It’s $399, not outrageous.  

The $399 MIAD 01

It’s sad how many people were fooled by Elon.

Why even demo something you can’t actually do? Getting caught out is obviously worse than having nothing to show. Or hell, just be honest if you must show something. People love to give Musk the benefit of the doubt, I’m sure his fans wouldn’t mind.  “Oh wow, a robot you can control from several feet away!  Amazing!”

Expensive bottle opener...

What is going to be interesting is having the courts settle what type of AI enhancement is allowed. Google, Samsung and Apple all advertise that they use AI to enhance the photos and videos taken on their phone. Obviously, those changes are less dramatic than the changes we’re discussing here, but they still use AI to

This is how image enhancement works:

The theory started because people started running screenshots of the slap through image upscalers, believing they could get a better look at what was happening.

Yeah, wait til they have AI enhanced mugshots and facial recog! What could go wrong?

AVClub doesn’t have any of the other sites listed in the header anymore.

Speaking of falling objects...just noticed that banner heading list number is doing the same. It’ll probably be just Gizmodo and Jalopnik soon.

Even the ISS hates Florida as much as the rest of us do, so much so that it’s now throwing (metaphorical) rocks at it from space now.

The deorbit burn-up is the standard ‘retirement plan’ for old space equipment. But if the stuff getting sent up there is of sufficient density that it *doesn’t* reliably burn up during re-entry, that’s definitely going to throw a wrench into future plans. Weather forecasts are going to have to start adding ‘Chance of

If NASA can’t prevent this I worry about all the other space debris waiting to fall back to earth. At least NASA seemed to have a plan. How many other companies putting things into orbit even bother with a potential re-entry plan?

Oddly I think my home owners policy has an exemption for space debris (and Nuclear weapons) from coverage.
I hope NASA (or someone) steps up quickly to get these people in a repaired home ASAP.
