Dr.Nemmo and his time-travelling submarine

How is it not a big deal? If you jump out of a plane intentionally and no one is left flying the plane, wouldn’t you think thats incredibly dangerous since nothing is controlling where it goes or how it lands? He’s lucky it actually crashed where he planned and it didn’t kill anyone.

Mrs. Justice gets very indignant when you obstruct her investigations by destroying evidence.

If your accident was being investigated by a Federal agency and you destroyed the evidence, then yes, you’d be in trouble. Car crashes and plane crashes are completely different things.

There are many idiotic parts to this.

Looks like I’m about to get screwed. I’ve had a free Hulu account for five years, after I signed up for a promotion through Spotify that combined Hulu and Spotify into a single package. All I had to do was keep paying my monthly Spotify fee and Hulu was 100% free. I don’t even have a CC attached to my account. I

Incidentally, I wouldn’t be surprised if more shit comes out in the trial. Like that guy down south in Manti who murdered his entire family, then it came out that he was violently abusive despite their perfect reputation.

This feels like a “well he’s dead anyway, so” profit type situation.

Fucking hell. I feel bad for her kids - father dead, mother a murderous psycho who killed him so she could profit from his death.

Will he go Hawaiian?

This was my thought, too. One of the big appeals to the original was the stop motion and the practical sets of the underworld. I have no desire to see the Sandworm-infested afterlife as this overblown CGI spectacle.

That would be nice if they used stop motion in the sequel.  I didn’t think there needed to be a beetlejuice 2 but also I’m part of the problem since I’ll end up seeing it in theaters. Hopefully Alamo Drafthouse does a double or has a movie party again for Beetlejuice.

Nice one!

Let’s not go calling posts on Truth Social, “Truths.” Even in an ironic way, please just call them Truth Social posts.
And for the record, I feel the same way about the word tweets. They’re Twitter posts. 

That sounds like a pretty solid retirement plan.  ;-)

It wasn’t just sexual harassment, it was sexual abuse. It would have probably been rape if E. Jean didn’t say that she wasn’t 100% sure whether he penetrated her with his genitals.

I get the impression he seldom makes it up to the face where most women are concerned. He marries the remainder.

I am happy for him. It felt like Hollywood forgot about him for a large stretch of the 2000s so I am 100% behind him cashing in now.

Amazing how many people have spent significant time around Trump, have been photographed with him, etc. and yet he has no idea who they are. Maybe we shouldn’t have a president with that level of dementia.

Between this and the Flash movie, Keaton’s just going to cash in doing sequels to all his 80s roles. Personally, I’m holding out for Mr. Grandma.

I’ve been opposed to this ever since Burton started using CGI instead of Henry Sellick. If he were to get Sellick on board with this, I could get pretty excited for it.
That being said, I know, damn well, that I will be purchasing a ticket to this movie, no matter how good or bad the reports and trailers are.