All of my organs are from dark-skinned people. White organs are too expensive and the police tends to investigate more.
All of my organs are from dark-skinned people. White organs are too expensive and the police tends to investigate more.
I assume that the next step is claiming that these are great to take into a plane.
I assume that the next step is claiming that these are great to take into a plane.
I wouldn’t mind being packed HORIZONTALLY.
What song is that? I can’t remember its name.
This was incredibly entertaining and interesting, and your mom was and is a beautiful woman. Thanks for the article.
This is better than the actual Game Of Trumps.
I know italian now. Awesome.
The point of these conventions is: we are friends as long as you have money to buy our products.
I’m not sure it’s a bad idea when the alternative is a long war that leaves one country sunk in debt and the other torn to pieces.
Because MONEYS
Pictured: not terrorists.
Well, the solution is simple and it was already implemented in the XVI century in Spain. It’s called forced conversion. Those who adhere to christianity are allowed to remain, the rest are expelled.
Why not a T-Rex? Way cooler.
I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe.
You can skip a meal. You are an adult.
That makes a lot of sense. I have insulin resistance, use metformin and sometimes I fast with no ill results given metformin’s mechanism of action.
This method is very ancient but it still works.
Here: Head Sahara Ecosolar. Has a lot of space, a nice pocket for my Windows Tablet and a solar rechargeable battery to keep it charged.
Here: Head Sahara Ecosolar. Has a lot of space, a nice pocket for my Windows Tablet and a solar rechargeable battery…
Nope, that’s not the problem. If his youtube channel brings visitors, he’ll keep doing it. It’s more money. Trumpian logic works: if being a troll is what it takes to be successful, then BE A TROLL.
Most people won’t care about jewish jokes. Most people aren’t jewish.
“So, this is what it feels like.”
* dies *
* with foreskin *