Actually they will remove features every year (headlights, windows, seats, seatbelts) and call that a refinement. Even if that meant that you would have to carry a chair around if you want to sit inside your car.
Actually they will remove features every year (headlights, windows, seats, seatbelts) and call that a refinement. Even if that meant that you would have to carry a chair around if you want to sit inside your car.
I’m pretty sure that my first electric car will come from China instead of the USA.
This is the reason why we never had any Spider-Man movie.
But mini.
I'd simply shave my head, suit up, wear leather gloves and go full Agent 47 every single day. I'd even stalk coworkers.
“Are you sure you want to drive this truck over that multitude, Mohamed? Don’t you want to talk about your dad?”
Whoever thinks that the third terrorist attack on France being followed by a coup d’etat in Turkey is “just a coincidence” is deluding himself.
That is kind of depressing.
TLDR version: We Want Money.
CamScanner is absolutely necessary. Better yet, they will give me more space if I shill for them this URL:
El dilema no es tan complejo como parece. En la primera situación, ya se está dando por descontado de que o fallece una persona, o fallecen cinco. No es uno quien está causando la muerte, si no, salvando vidas.
Or facking, for short.
Ah, the endless wankery of philosophy. Young minds should be advised against its use, before they embark on a philosophy major or some other pointless errand.
I have a Chevrolet Captiva SUV and it works great for trips and school. Besides, if I have to pick up extra kids, I can magically make an extra row of seats appear of the back compartment.
Those are public sources of milk.
I’m not driving their cars. I haven’t driven their cars during the last 42 years, so I want my $ 7,358,400 right now. Let’s round it to seven millions, for the sake of convenience.
I can’t wait for a Mythbusters show with Kary, Tory and Grant, called “Team B”.
It has a body.
ed: accidental repost.