
Where's Wittgenstein when we need him?

You have a fetish for aged chipmunk sausage?

Except for the fact that Atlanta is as ethnically diverse a liberal city out there as there is and Boston, is well, Boston.

So apparently the opening with jumping from top of the dome was taped previously and spliced in. I'd wager most viewers thought it was a pretty cool seamless transition into her music. Wonder what else was 'edited' in or out?
Looks like a case of alternative facts showed off to duped viewers. In retrospect it sort of

…and death kicked music's ass.

Merely stating my opinion, and unfortunately the creator of the top album will no longer produce anything new. Such anger in your comment, but I guess after posting over 14,000(!) of them restraint isn't high-up in your agenda.

We might be in a new golden age of television, but there seems to be nothing new or promising for music. Let's hope that one positive thing to come from the political debacles and resentment is a return to meaningful music, not overproduced muzak.

Caught it in Atl. A walk down tempo and up electric avenue. If all classes were taught the way they did the U.S. would be the smartest nation in history.

Just wondering, hows does the AV Club scoring system work?
I grasp the A-F part, but is the grade given versus a specific series? Versus what's on TV for the season? The entirety of television history? All art ever produced?
I presume shows are graded on a scale, an 'A' for Atlanta = a "C" for Fargo etc.
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Note sure if it was noted on previous comments but…
Cartman's shirt: "Token's Life Matters"

So then you are agreeing with me about the point I was making about the show not representing Atlanta. Many are saying the show represents the city, I posited it represents a minority of the city.
(though I do agree the 'ethereal repose' extends throughout Atlanta).

I'll agree with you on the vibe being much more laid back than other cities. Fried food and sweet tea will do that to ya I guess.

Midtown which is as the name applies mid-town of Atlanta certainly doesn't fit the definition above nor the show.
It's akin to creating a show about the Bronx and claiming it represents the ethos of NYC.

This is no criticism of the show but the interesting thing is that blacks will likely no longer be a majority in Atlanta (which has relatively small population) in 10 years or so and are not a majority in the metro Atlanta area (which is much larger) presently.
As represented by TV and pop-culture one would think the

Except that Atlanta has a black Mayor, black police chief and a majority black police force.

Would you rather support the crazy you know or the crazy you don't know?

The term inspiration in this case is being used pretty loosely by those looking to overturn the verdict. Go on youtube and listen to videos of them playing side by side.
This song was inspired in the same way McDowell's was 'inspired' by McDonald's.

Most re-appropriated blue and folk songs are public domain so the ruling is irrelevant. Rock should be original and not lazy cribbing of someone else's melody.

On the plus side hip-hop and mainstream EDM should suffer much more from these types of rulings than rock, alt-rock and the like.
Genres of music that actually require playing an instrument instead of having multiple "producers".

Who does Whoopi Goldberg have photos of? Seriously must she haunt me from TNG reruns to visits to my elderly moms house with The View playing for 4 hours or so a day it seems to air? She's the antithesis of 'cool' on a TV show. Are the producers of The Tick aiming for the Sister Act or daytime TV demographic?