
Does a hip-hop album get a 10 spot jump, like the letter higher it gets when graded?

Critical thinking: objective evaluation of an issue
Logic: the best tool for objective evaluation
Philosophy: a field of study which logic is a branch of
Liberal Arts Education: Type of degree in which Philosophy falls under

This is literally groundbreaking work.

In case anyone is wondering; the researcher, Celia Klin, is an associate professor and associate dean, Harpur College/Binghamton University.

I find, (the upcoming), 'Aimy In A Cage' a title more reflective of Mr. Glover's delicate sensibilities.

Can we finally declare this series a soap-opera?
(debatable before but now obvious)

To me the soundtrack has been one of the most overlooked clever aspects of the show; from Gustav Mahler's, Das Lied von der Erde, (which reflect sorrow and drunkeness),to Billy Thorpe's, Children of the Sun, (during an episode which a drawing showed children under the sun and/or a spaceship).

There are lines verbatim from Camus (it's in my episode comment) and reflections on other existentialist thought wrapped up in pop-philosophy wrapper. If you recall the episode titles Myth of Sisyphus et al. this is a recurring theme.

IIRC: There is overlap between the two, but sociopaths tend to be more irrational, and spree or haphazard type killers, prone to fits of anger and not as well adjusted (they just seem disturbed). Psychopaths however fit in much better and can be charming, and form relationships even though they have a callous

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind (as was the newspaper). The 2 newspaper headlines did have a deus ex machina feel to them…which given the episode seems to be on purpose.

Btw the Easter Egg of the episode for me:
The graffiti on the phone booth Ed kept calling from was a game who's answer was "Sioux Falls". That game, Hang Man (cue: Ed hanging).

What started out middling imho absolutely crushed it at the end,

-The opening dialogue gives us more Camus, (via middle of this paragraph);"I want everything to be explained to me or nothing. And the reason is impotent when it hears this cry from the heart. The mind aroused by this insistence seeks and finds nothing but contradictions and nonsense. What I fail tounderstand is

Hate to be 'that guy'; but it is you're not your otherwise it loses its' zing.

Some of the more interesting items….

The only outcome we can be are assured of from a revolution are casualties.

To Camus it is indeed an ode to perseverance in the face of adversity.

To be fair it is about the hero's march into battle with Evil.

Remember Ed is an exaggerated bogeyman who helps perpetuate the war.
(Hanzee knows Ed's true story, and also knows Vietnam rather well)

In keeping with the Existential themes I'd say this one is named after the play by Ionesco with a nod to the violent mob mentality indicted therein.