
#InWakanda there are no concussions in Kaepernick’s league because the helmets are made of Vibranium

Ugh. Why?

Anytime I order an Ol' Fashioned from a new bartender, I say, "I swear, if you put a cherry in it....I will burn this fucking place to the ground."

I am 30 years old and I grew up owning this on VHS. I believe my dad recorded it off live TV. I still have it actually....

I'm honestly surprised that this isn't Musial...


eh..... Just my opinion though. You can like him all you want, but he's not even in my top 5 out of Atlanta.

That's how I've always felt about T.I......(Sorry, totally unrelated)

This sounds like an episode of The Office.....

Yeah, but I'm not white & live in St. Louis....soooooooooo




I'm from St. Louis.....and I root for Cardinals. Even worse, I was raised by people from D.C., which means I was also raised to be a Redskins fan.

Shhhh stop telling people how great Botanical/Tower Grove is........we don't wanna speed up the gentrification that is already happening around here. It's probably too late anyways.

You need HELLA more stars!!!

Haha, nice......although, I was going more for Chris Tucker hyping up Ice Cube after he knocks out Debo in Friday...