
Oh wow, I've gotta read that. I totally am thinking of the one from the O. Henry anthology. It's the only version I've read, and I loved it.

Train Dreams is from 2012?? I thought I read it in '06.

I think so. They've hinted at recappers vaguely, and recently, but never named names.

"Friendzone" skit was funny. Although the joke is a bro-ish cliché and kind of annoying, it's a true thing that happens in life and they illustrated the reason why: "I'm a little baby bitch boy".

"Suggestions" I guess. Little details that pop up, but aren't explored as much as I'd like: the way predictive language is shown on the behavior tablets, the way the hosts' emotions and narratives are turned on and off; and just the process of awakening that we really only see through Maeve and Bernard. Those were

It seems like all the recappers are hating on this show. "Reverse engineered prestige television" I have read elsewhere. I think it's probably like that for people who write for these tv review sites b/c they've devoured so much of it and HBO does have a kind of cheesy formula for "edgy" tv that ends up ruining some

shit, thought i had something

ikr? I think I'm right though since it seems like the kind of corny thing HBO would do thinking that it's "edgy". Also, did you do your avatar drawing? It's good!

Oh shit: MiB = William, and Delos is named after Delores ('cause he fell in love with her on his first visit to WW, and then went on to run the company which pushed for r&d to make her more like a REAL girl).

Also: "AV Club"—is this a super-antiquated name now? Do a lot of young people on here not even get the reference? It already felt like kind of a 70's reference back when it only came out in paper form with the Onion. Most classrooms are mediated with projectors mounted into the ceiling now, and any "nerds" that would

Yeah that was the best line in a whole string of hits in that piece. A lot of her other WU appearances aren't funny though. It's like, the first one she did (which apparently was the same "chunk" as her audition) was the best. People are right, though. She does mess up a bunch of lines, and I kinda cringe when she's

Also the voiceover at the beginning is Alec Baldwin, right? right?!

"He's no Mayweather…", Jay Pharoah is clearly way bigger than a lightweight boxer. He's been getting more jacked the last couple of years but was always kinda built like that.
The 2 girls at the museum was hilrrrrious! If anything it's a little late to trot out that kind of character, but when I was in college 10 years

What the hell. Season 6 has been all aces. Community is the best!


The first gang rape joke was hilarious because of the subtle way he reveals what happened. I know it was awful, but that guy's just funny.

awesome show. I didn't really like the fake-indian past either. I think it was just t.fey trying to come up with a version of that backstory that wasn't so obviously Jenna Maroney. If Jaqueline were just from rags to riches white trash, that would be the same story. A clumsy solution, but I also think the 30 Rock

Awesome rock opera song at the end! Is it supposed to spoof the christian musical, "the witness"? Cuz Michael Cera calls it just "witness" at the end… Plus it sounds more like JC Superstar or Godspell. Either way the reference works. And whoever wrote it should make an album with Offerman singing ALL the Jesus-parts!

dammit i just discovered this show, and was psyched to have a new scifi show that had all these cool ideas at the beginning. but by end of season 1 it just got silly. and now into season 2 and it's dumber than ever. it's like they had a few awesome ideas around the central idea of time-travel terrorists from the

Yeah I kind of can't believe anyone point-blank asked the internet that.