Till I saw the trailer I literally thought someone made him in Spores while waiting for said trailer.
Till I saw the trailer I literally thought someone made him in Spores while waiting for said trailer.
I wish they didnt spin so fast. >_<
I remember this part so well because I had to pause the game and go to sleep. Because you HAVE to do the motion to cut off your finger, I felt SO bad for the character and I just couldn’t cut off his finger. It was so tough!!! I love this game.
This is how I’ve been playing the game. No HUD in the game makes for such a great experience! You’re absolutely right too, I turned off the HUD and forgot it wasnt there immediately.
I would like an OS walk-through for sure. And the boot up sequence!!!
Fun. I feel like this game will be a surprise launch at like PSX or something. Sean gets on stage, plays something we haven’t seen yet, crowd goes wild, lights go up and he says “available now”. Or, Geoff Keighley will have that happen at the closing of this year’s Game Awards.
I just want more MP maps/environments and new loot, always new loot. =P
NIce, this is better than the “epic goal” they showed. That one was lame.
Its pretty fun, thanks for sharing. :) I like the look of it too and the music definitely sells the atmosphere.
I kinda like the contrast of the before shot better, the new one looks nice but the colors look a bit washed out.
I like it, not so much the more cartoon looking one but the graphic fidelity of it its great. Imagine if in the comparison shot you would see the exact N64 version of the castle hall in the UE4 engine side by side to the original. I would pay endless money for a Nintendo game with high graphical fidelity.
I just want an option to take off that damn vignette. Its so annoying to me. >_<
I’d like a fun diplomatic game.
MK8: F-Zero Light mode. One can dream, what if Nintendo is testing the engine for F-ZERO? HUH, WHAT IF?!?! I can dream, right?
Pretty excited about it, I had a lot of fun with the demo. I know there are some shortcomings but its a demo, not the final product. The combat felt very simplistic at the start but when you start to understand what the weapons do, you can have a bit more fun with combat. I honestly didnt use any of the pole arm…
This is what I loves about PS2! Not only did you have to fight people but also had to make sure to pay attention to where the damn gem spawned. If you weren't near the gem then your next best move was to get to the nearest grabbable object and beat across the stage to knock out the gem which then prompted the other 2…
I like to run around aimlessly and see what or who I can bother. Also, if you want to just have fun, I'd advice turning on Moon Gravity and Super Jump. Cheats disable trophies but those two cheats are tons of fun if you just want to fool around.
Dont forget to right-click!