Agreed, I'd buy one in a heartbeat at the right price.
Agreed, I'd buy one in a heartbeat at the right price.
He is pretty cool indeed, I have watched some of these videos but never knew about this one. Once again, thanks! :)
This is great! Thanks for posting.
Definitely enjoyed this part of the show but was a bit disappointed by the lack of a direct feed from the game. Still, glad to know both, Zelda and StarFox, will be coming out next year.
You and me both, held off for the same reason but I'll get it this Friday...
So this is a thing? I'll update you as soon as my brother finishes it too, not as an Archer/Assassin but a BAD ASS MAGE. Thats right, mage.
Thank you! Yes, Destiny was a HUGE disappointment story wise. At the very LEAST I was expecting a Halo-like campaign with some Co-op/MMO-ish elements attached to it. Either way the PVP aspect is just a matchmaking system, nothing revolutionary. So in a sence, you could've had Halo CE + Larger Co-Op and then the…
Sounds good, now can we get a proper WiiU version? MH3U was just a port, for that, port over MHO!
I agree that both games are remarkably similar but the gameplay should be different enough I hope. Graphics wise FFXV has a slight edge over this but I will certainly be playing both. Different universes between the two.
Great track that then was used for an awesome show!!! Alice, I LOVE YOU!! Massive Attack is always good though, this particular album is pretty great. Black Milk too, great track.
That was funny, I likes. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :)
I WOULD LOVE a new Extreme G game!!! Still have em for the N64. The tracks in the games were always so inventive. Surreal even. YES, I want it!!!
If MS buys Mojang it'll be another Rare and fade away. MS just kills studios and it sucks. But whatever, their money and their company. We'll see.
I hate these fuckers. HATE EM!!!!!
Is Crunchyroll getting this???!?
I say sequel with part one bundled in remastered.
YES to number 2!!! I just want a co-op adventure through a distant world.
Complicated, maybe, but the depth of detail you can go into is astounding. I don't even want to play this game, I just want to build people for it.