
I get what they're trying to do, setting up the eventual end game, but you're right - it has gotten way too slow. Phillip is more disillusioned than ever, there will inevitably be a reckoning between him and Elizabeth over it, Paige feels scared and overwhelmed. Message received. Let's get some tension back into the

Are we EVER going to find out what happened with Gaad in Thailand? What the hell was that all about?

I can remember my parents taking me to see Howard the Duck as a kid. To this day I've never seen so many people leaving the theater in the middle of a movie.
The two worst I ever paid to see myself were The Master of Disguise (a young man will do ANYTHING to ingratiate himself with a beautiful lady, even going to see

Can't wait until Matthew asks her out to the movies….and takes her to see Red Dawn.

Another thing - if the bugs really are some kind of bioweapon, the security for that program is for shit. The greenhouse was secured with a padlock that Elizabeth picked in two seconds and the lab was in a standard office park.

Paige is so much better a character than Dana Brody. Realistic teenagers are hard to write and even harder to play well. I think the show succeeds on both accounts.

Tuan is a rootless orphan with a big chip on his shoulder, much like the Nicaraguan girl a few seasons back. I don't think he gives much of a shit about the struggle between the US and the USSR, and he certainly seems to be happy with a lot of aspects of being an American. He just wants to find a way to exact

Regarding Phillip and defecting…..my sense of Phillip is that he is a Russian patriot, as opposed to Elizabeth who is a committed Communist. He longs for the Rodina but deep-down realizes the failures of its government - "Why can't we grow our own grain?" He's not an ideologue, and because of that he can find a

I would kill to see them use my preferred cereal from the time - C3POs! They came out as a tie in with Return of the Jedi and lasted a couple of years. Tasted like cake to 7 year old me, loved em.

So what the hell was Arkady up to with Gaad? I've mulled it over for a while now and damned if I can think of anything. They weren't really trying to flip him, were they? That doesn't make a bit of sense, but if not that, then what?

There were Western spies who lived openly in the USSR after they were found out. Three of the Cambridge Five did (MacLean, Burgess, and Philby ), as well as the CIA turncoat Edward Lee Howard.

It might just be that I was a weird kid, but I *LOVED* graveyards when I was little.

Not that I'm an expert, but wouldn't this be realistically characteristic of parents in the British nobility of that time period? They certainly weren't noted for their emotional depth, right?

My wife really knocked one out of the park when they speak of summoning Dr. Clarkson after finding Barrow in the tub - she immediately deadpanned "His spine has been severed. I'm afraid he'll never walk again"….hahahaha

Yup. To Carson, a life in service is the pinnacle of working class life. It's incomprehensible to him that anyone would desire anything else, and he takes it as a rebuke to his own life and career that Molesley is moving on to something else.

Very true, and, of course, like most of them he'd only been in the Army for a couple of years. Just giving an idea of who fills that kind of position. Still, it was a sign of a man who commanded respect and showed maturity and wisdom beyond his years.

Crazy as it sounds, I definitely considered this. An American teen quickly and willingly putting his trust in the KGB like that just seems way off. No angst? No soul-searching? Plus, how in the hell did Larrick manage to put a bug in his backpack in the first place without anyone noticing?
Larrick comes to the kid,

People actually admit to being from Petersburg? (says the Richmond snob…hahaha)

A few things I've always loved about The Breaking Point:
-The shots of the faces of the dead melting away while the company listens to the choir girls sing. That's a punch to the gut every time. It's bad enough with the number of men the viewer knows, but it's even worse when you realize there are guys killed who you

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Top (which is what the first sergeant is usually called, as in "top sergeant") is the guy who ultimately takes care of everyone, the man in charge of beans and bullets as they say. "Beans" as in making sure his men's needs are taken care of and "bullets" as in getting them the material