
“I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of

Lincoln was anti-slavery, and perhaps he didn’t see Black people as lesser human beings but he certainly thought mixing with them was distasteful. His dream-plan was to repatriate Black people to Africa. Likewise, Johnson didn’t hate Black people, but he sure didn’t want them as neighbors.

Biden was always a very mediocre man. I think we’re the ones who are messing up by putting our aspirations on him. Now he’s an older, less sharp, even more mediocre man, and that old dog ain’t about to learn any new tricks.

Aren’t the recommendations automatically generated based on the most common next words? That’s the whole fun of “let Google complete” games (such as “Google or Gavin”).

We ended up with Trump because the vast majority of White people voted for him. If Trump wins again, it’ll be because White people put him back in office.

I apologize, I thought that was implied. 

I feel like jimmy carter needs to have a talk with him about eating vegetables and not sounding crazy. Carter’s what 20 years older than Biden and can give full coherent speeches, he’s gotta have some tips.

I feel like you skipped the most obvious possibility: it was programmed by white men who almost exclusively only know of non-white women and girls through the lens of pornography and objectification.

Biden has the same problem with running his mouth that Trump does and it almost causes him as many headaches. The only difference is that Biden will more quickly walk stuff back then Trump who will double and triple down on things, then when he does change track, he will claim that he was always saying what he is now.

Of the 45 presidents we have had I can say definitely that at least 2 but up to 5who  weren’t racist. Trump is just the first one to say the quiet part loud since like Teddy Roosevelt. I mean most of our presidents were white dudes born in the 19th century so nobody is surprised that they’re racist but they definitely

I adore Orbeetle and fuck the Bulbahaters.

When both (or more) sides engage with honesty, knowing that their position or preference is human and by definition faulty and want to negotiate a solution - and realize that solution is, more than any scientific theory, temporary - “conversations” are very important.

There is no need for conversation, only justice.

Having a conversation implies that there are parties who need to understand the situation and learn more. Facebook is notorious for making such claims but...

They were bred ...

And then their wings developed along with their taste of human flesh.

“Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they accidentally could they didn’t stop to think if they accidentally should!”

Jeff Goldblum could have told them what would happen.

You engage your core with pretty much any weightlifting (free weights,not isolation machines). But if you’ve ever watched a strongman(or woman!) competition almost nobody has defined abs because in addition to all that muscle they have a fair amount of bodyfat.

And hubby and tummy. But chummy is ok.