
Every time I hear one of them try to hoteptify their reasoning behind the virus, it’s all I see:

It seems you’re completely ignoring the fact that a big part of the “eat local” movement is that the intention is to support smaller, (more) sustainable non-industrialized farms rather than huge industrialized farms with huge feed lots and large carbon footprints - before transportation is even factored in (not to

Agreed. Not to mention local food is generally fresher and more nutritious than something that’s been shipped across the country (or several countries).

Eat local isn’t just transportation though, as you mentioned its good for the community etc, but do you think the companies that do ship all over the world are small, sustainable family farms or some sort of corporate behemoth pushing the boundaries of industrial food production? Which farm do you think is better for

I watched it for the first time when very young at a movie night, and left after the tape finished (yes, dating myself) as she screamed about onions or being hungry. Thought the movie was fine. Didn’t know I’d only seen the first HALF until college. Saw the second and liked the movie even less.

One of the sad things about most chains, really.  No sense of community, either internal or external.

Which seems to have been completely forgotten in the popular imagination.

Salty traditionally doesn’t give one small shit about “worker solidarity” - see her previous comments about not needing to tip coat check. Then again each entry has a different author on staff so her outlook changes from person to person, but on average the general line is that servers are the most skilled,

Tips shouldn’t be expected from staff. You’re all in the fight together, plus in this case FOH already makes more money than BOH. Any FOH that gets mad that BOH doesn’t tip for an after-shift drink is a dick.

I don’t understand why people are acting shocked and treating this as a pivot on the practice of tipping. This isn’t anti-tipping advice, this a statement advocating WORKER SOLIDARITY.

On the bright side, he clearly picked one with extremely cringworthy racism.

Yeah, this is huge. A Gawker/Gizmodo/GO Media blog actually said there was a situation in life where you shouldn’t tip.  I’m gonna go check and see if Hell has frozen over.

Oh boy Salty telling someone not to tip. This is going to rock some people’s world views.

At the same time I feel like don’t fuck your staffers, especially low level staffers the power dynamics are too skewed isn't exactly a unwritten rule - - especially in 2018 

Emanuel Macron’s staunch ally just quit his candidacy for mayor of Paris due to nude selfies he sent to a potential hookup, while being married with kids. Cut the shit with the “Americans are Puritans” thing. This is not unusual throughout the world, even in places thought to not care about personal behavior.

Reminds me of those who say Bill Clinton got impeached for having sex with an intern. No, he was impeached for lying about it under oath. One is unethical, the other is illegal

I wrote a term paper for a First Amendment seminar in law school about how hard it is to prosecute these kinds of offenses, and the term of art is “nonconsensual pornography,” which I think articulates the lack of consent that you’re associating with rape. It also leaves room to acknolwdge that the lack of consent can

Yeah, I mostly agree. I think some nuance is justified on the “I don’t care who people sleep with point.” I agree I don’t care about people’s sex lives as such, but I do care about their judgment when the hidden sexual behavior of the powerful can expose them to things like bribery and extortion when they are careless.

And porn implies the making of sexually graphic content intended for public consumption. This is not accurate here where intimate photos and texts were leaked that were not intended for others’ entertainment. 

Labeling it rape would definitely be an overstep, although I agree that “revenge porn” is a terrible, misleading term.