She didn’t invent anti-vaxxers, but she gave them a giant bullhorn through which to spew their stupid, deadly ignorance.
She didn’t invent anti-vaxxers, but she gave them a giant bullhorn through which to spew their stupid, deadly ignorance.
And The Secret.
If I had the money my house would be covered with wood paneling, which would be covered by drywall, which would then be covered with a second layer of wood paneling. The walls would be three feet thick, and it would gradually make people very uncomfortable.
Watching the videos given, I honestly don’t know what to believe aside from that this is the most NYC story I’ve ever heard.
One of the (few) excellent - and wildly subersive - things about these sequel trilogy literally up to that point was the lack of romantic love. Like, if she’d have kissed him on the forehead or something, I’d have understood. It didn’t make really any sense, however, for the passionate Romeo-and-Juliette kiss,…
And the “Million Little Pieces guy,” and Tom Cruise jumping on a couch. She has not led a blameless life.
Oprah gave the world Doctors Oz and Phil. Never forget.
He was thinking with his dick and his dick is a fucking idiot.
Fun fact: no one has ever made it to the top of those stairs without being subsumed into an ancient oak that bleeds goat’s blood and moans on cloudy nights.
The sheer number of people who wanted Rey to forgive and fall in love with the patricidal crybaby who stalked her for months while trying to convince her to fall to the Dark Side, after he straight up rapes her through the Force is fucking gross.
You can see this actually happen when MLB teams offer tickets at a major discount and the season ticket holders grouse that it devalues their seat.
Correct. In a world where the standard rule is “every empty seat is a free for all after takeoff” there will be melee near first class as people try to nab the empty seats, especially on long-haul flights, resulting in fights and inevitable delays/diversions (beacuse you know we can’t have nice things).
Fewer people will pay for the higher class, or use miles/cash to request an upgrade, if they know there’s a chance they could get it for free. That appears to be the airlines’ rationale.
“Disney kiss”
I feel the same way. I loved the movie, it did everything Star Wars does. Fast paced, hard to follow, lots of lights and earnestness with occasional one liners... in space. I saw it in IMAX and the sound design blew my doors off.
Tendons and ligaments can get beefy as well with stress. I’m guessing these relatives also had forearms like hams.
They all had bad plumbing because the plumber was always jealously tracking down his girlfriend. The rest is history.
“Entomologists who study cockroaches often become allergic to them. At the same time, they become allergic to most brands of pre-ground coffee.”
A+ and a dash of jealousy for your invention of the phrase “Steward of Sentimental Family Detritus.”
When it became obvious to my family that I was going to be the first of my generation to get married, I was immediately designated by silent, mutual decree to become the Steward of Sentimental Family Detritus. In my case, it was particularly exacerbated by the fact that my mom died when I was young, so every scrap of…