
My grandmother is an 89-year-old, black woman. She doesn’t leave the house much anymore because she’s sick a lot but she got up to vote for Obama and she’s up today to vote for Hillary. It’s a blessing to be able to watch her experience such progress.

I don’t think this is about that. You don’t get into screaming matches in front of the kids and end up shoving one, however accidental it may have been, because you’re smoking too much pot.

Too true - but it is a bit too much to expect anyone to completely change. And she had children (with and without him) before they married. It just seems ridiculous to find it THE problem now.

Brad Pitt was a stoner when she married him.

And yet no one went to jail from General Mills...

I’m going to be annoying but there is a reason there are food safe laws. I’m not saying this woman’s ceviche is going to make you sick, but selling food that you make in your standard kitchen cannot be guaranteed safe.

The explanation of the glitch (and my lack of understanding thereof) renewed my awe for the developers who code game engines.

I didn’t play much of AvP2, but man did I spend a lot of hours on the first one. Absolutely fantastic games. I still remember that playing the Marine campaign in AvP with the lights out was the most pants-shitting experience I’ve ever had in a video game.

I’m immediately reminded of one of my favorite games of all time: Aliens versus Predator 2 (2001 pc game). There were lots of Aliens/Predators/Versus games, but that was the best as it really nailed the different mechanics of playing as the different species, plus the plot and ambiance of the different zones was

It’s been 10 years since Alpha Dog, and in the time since, Timberlake has tried hard to be a leading man in a variety of genres (In Time was sci-fi, Friends with Benefits was romcom, Runner Runner was an action thriller) to almost total viewer apathy.


Leah did not come to play.

Stop with the auto play ads! Please! I can’t surf Jezebel at work any more cause the damn ads play by themselves.

*Extended eye roll at Schumer.* Sunglasses, inside, at a gym class, where it’s pitch black. Doesn’t call attention to yourself at all.

What could make you less inconspicuous than wearing dark shades inside? Did Schumer mistake them for an invisibility cloak, or does she just hate making eye contact with regular humans?

His supporters would pretend it was invented.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

A lot of reviewers online are pointing to the fact that Lawrence is also El Lazo as proof that this show happens in two different timelines or that there are multiples of the same host but I don’t see it that way.

Last night I asked my husband if I could please just get and stay drunk until the 9th. He said no. Something about our 8 year old homeschooler not being old enough to take care of herself yet, or something. I think he’s just being a spoilsport.

Did you watch the first episode? They address your concern in the first 15 minutes.