
i’ve no identify crisis, and nether does Racheal (according to her). But we all mock her. Irony? We applaud Caitlynn Jenner but we mock Rachel Doleza? What am I missing here?

still scratching my head at how people can identify as a different gender but can not identify as a different race.

Ten bucks they only *just* removed their minstrel lawn jockey from the grounds.

“Hello? Yes, this is the Owner of the Forest Lake Country Club. I need a black. What do you mean a black what? Look, I don’t have time for games, just send me the finest quality black you can. I need to put a black in my club so the PC heat can die down and we can golf in peace without harassment from the coloreds.

“The club has no policies of racial discrimination. If it did, Governor McMaster would not be a member.”

You’re looking at the Death Star’s engine here — the exact opposite side of the Superlaser. It’s never shown in the movies, but it would theoretically have to be there in order for the Death Star to move at sublight speed.

Love for a daughter and hatred for the Empire

i am ashamed to say that thetallbrunette and i decided to watch this last night (first time ever).

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

I named my daughter Kairi and don’t regret it. Sadly only 3 people in 4 years have known the reference (or at least mentioned it to me). The most recent person overheard me say her name and asked “Kingdom Hearts?” It turns out he also named his dog Kairi (and other dog Sora). It was awesome.

I’ve always said I was going to name my son Auron if it ever happens. Could tell the wife I mispelled Aaron on the birth certificate. NIce to know I’m not the only person crazy enough to name a kid after a toon.

Just about every high end fashion retail operation does this.

Unfortunately, you don’t have to justify a firing in the U.S. because every state has at-will employment. Legally, you can fire someone because they had a sandwich for lunch. It’s up to the fired person to show that they were fired for their race, or that they were fired for being part of another protected class.

he was told he was canned because he hadn’t “lived the luxury life.

~Some dude with a Trump bumper sticker

Lived the luxury life? What does that even mean?

“How don’t you know who Bud Dwyer is?” This was such a shocking thing that I assumed that everyone had seen it live like I did. I only found out that the lucky people of PA who happened to be watching TV at that precise time got to have that scene burned into their brains for the rest of their days.

Every time I look at the picture of him with his finger pointed in the air, mid-shout, I get chills. It’s horrifying and yet it’s one of the best-composed pictures I’ve ever seen; the tie still ramrod-straight and yet tilted with the raising of his arm, the fact that the gun is almost an after-thought in his moment of

I watched R.Budd Dwyer drill a hole in his head live with a .357 in middle school. That got 12 year old me’s attention most ricky tick.