Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.
Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.
Entire Hip Hop Industry Resigns
I’m just sitting here in awe of this ‘Vulva Predator’ makeup job.
COUNTERPOINT: Björk can do whatever the fuck she wants.
Added to the list of things we don’t need: another Bjork article by Rich.
sure, these are hypothetical, but they’re based on what internet providers have already done even with some regulation. waiting and hoping is a dangerous move if you’re worried about this issue
At some point you’re just an idiot for thinking Republicans won’t be horrible.
Yes, because corporations have the public interest at heart. If that were the case, my wages would increase to match inflation. Funny how everything I pay for is adjusted for inflation, but what they pay US isn’t.
decreasesincreases cost andincreasesdecreases qualityand quantityof service.
Nice try, Ajit Pai, nice try.
This is flat out theft from citizens of the United States. We have subsidized telecom since it started in the 1800's and these robber barons owe us unhindered service.
Our PTA had a “no fuss fundraiser,” and it was great. “Just write us a check. The goal is $10K, which we could hit if every family gave $25. If we make that, no other fundraisers all year.” And it worked. HELL YES.
Not to be a haughty dipshit, but the first cemeteries were designed to serve as parks (look, here’s a link to a prestigious magazine to convince you of my erudition). But seriously, why should the dead own the only green space in the city?
"I learned it from watching you, Dad! I learned it from watching you!"
Modeling is so important. The first time I saw my kid doing something bad I do I was devastated. They learn more from watching you than you may think.
They missed one...being an honest broker. The "my child would never..." is the quickest road to disaster.
For me as well. Both my kids just blow me away with how smart and talented they are, but they still lack a lot of maturity.