von Zzyzx

I want to see the version where Bruce Willis gets revenge by gunning down a young black “thug” in a hoodie, whose father Idris Elba goes on his own death wish mission and guns down Bruce Willis- whose heartbroken father Clint Eastwood goes after Elba, whose father- I don’t know, maybe Morgan Freeman gets into a

You’re not incorrect to use literally figuratively, you’re just not using literally literally

The only way this could work would be a sort of Star Wars version of the Notebook where Kylo finds a holographic transmitter, they communicate back and forth, fall in Love, goofy hijinks, then he finds out that he’s really been communicating through time- it’s Padme- his dead grandmother. I guess he had more in common

Doesn’t she know Zelda is a boy?!?

Honest question: what do you do for a living?

First they came for the pedophiles, and I was silent. Then they came for the rapist, and I did not say a word. Then they came for gropers and the grab-assers, and still I said nothing. When they came for me, the office sexual harasser, there was no one left to speak for me...

Tootsie plays Footsie with Kiddie

Protesting Hollywood by wearing fashoinable black dresses is like protesting the food industry by eating pizza, you know you love pizza, it’s not that big of a sacrifice or statement

Why is there such a graphic narrative of the sexual molestation of a child in this article? It doesn’t really add anything when you could have just written a few words and seems more provocative or salacious. I guess it’s good for the clicks but it is pretty gross to me...

Men are less likely to seek treatment generally, which why they have a higher incidence of death and hospitalization. Less preventative care and waiting longer to seek help means that on average they are sicker when they receive care.

Well, I would actually say that all illness, even real illness is performed in some way, which is a little different than saying it is feigned. For example in different cultures people act differently when sick, with depression men are more likely to act angry as opposed to tearful which is expected in women who are

My wife had awful morning sickness pretty much the whole pregnancy with our 3 children but it seemed significantly worse with our first child. My theory for this is that the symptoms were worse because the nausea was very much at the center of her attention. With the second pregnancy she was also taking care of a

I am not OCD about just about anything except how the dishwasher is loaded. So painful to see my wife load the dishes in there...

Maybe noone around you is saying a peep, but I can assure you that you are not popular in general.

Here’s an idea, if you can’t stand being around babies, remove yourself from society, maybe life in general.

I feel like you missed an opportunity to reference the ending of The Producers with that working together in prison joke.

It’s almost like English is some kind of “living” language with words that change meanings over time based on usage.

Literally means literally not figuratively but people who use it figuratively are not wrong, they are just not using literally literally, they’re using it figuratively.

You missed doing coke with your kids. Never do coke with your kids..

So now that Prince Harry is getting married, this guy is the next in line for hottest bachelor prince or will I be disappointment to find out he’s married?