
Does this actually bother anyone? There are tools on Twitter that let you block people. If you don’t want to see something you don’t have to. I don’t see why it is up to Twitter to protect people from themselves.

Wow, timely.

Dude is gonna commit suicide and the Internet Righteous are gonna crow.

Dude’s biggest mistake was responding to the allegations and admiting they were true. People like to say that confessing and apologizing for things is admirable, but the truth is an apology almost never got anyone out of any kind of trouble it usually just turns bad PR incidents into bigger stories and the people most

God that first sentence is obnoxious.

This has got to be a New York thing... because those of us out West would have no problem with the 7-Elevens losing a little, especially if it’s non-perishables in there.

Love how you say she “arrived” in the US like shes here by accident. More accurately she was smuggled into the US. Why give citizenship to those breaking the law rather to those requesting to come in legally?  

Not crying.

So you compared it to mostly movies? How brave.

Once upon a time the U.S. Government gave all of its citizens and dreamers a basic universal income of $30,000 a year. It was the most glorious year in the empires history as it seemed everyone in the borders during that year wanted for nothing material. The following year, inflation kicked in and everything went back

Can I put dinosaur smut in it? I hear that sells really well.

“It was a dark and stormy night, and everything cost more than it used to.”

Oh yeah, I head about a tourist that visited that site once. He climbed all those steps and wanted to ring the bell at the end, but the poor guy had no arms, having lost them in an industrial accident years previous.

Except... DACA is unconstitutional. And Obama knows it was unconstitutional. He did it anyway. Because that’s the kind of thing he would often do.

“white male Hillary-haters in the media”

It was an executive order, not sure how much your representative can do about it.

So glad the program is being axed. Its a slap in the face to those of us who fought hard, spent alot, missed years of time, emotionally drained...etc to bring people here from another country through LEGAL routes.

Am I saying the kids of illegals did something wrong? Well no. Their parents did. They should blame their

DACA - Illegal Alien Invaders who steal jobs from American Citizens, and depress wages in America. They have no right to be here.

People die at this parade every year. There needs to be security. Its crazy that people are arguing around that or that this article even exists in the first place making it about something it is not.