
Can we just get a Monkey Island movie, please?

What if you have a guy named Mark on your team?

I see you’ve read jokes before

They’re normal pants. Move on, find a new slant.

A perfect game is one where no one reaches first base. Also known as my collegiate dating career.

Yeah, but like, just the Idris Elba shows.

I know you’re talking about Don’t Look Now, but for some reason I read that as you describing all movies, and it made me chuckle. They’re all downhill after those great openings!

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I just shot water out my nose laughing because about a week ago my friend said he just found out that it’s “make believe” not “maple leaf”. We are 29.

I’ve done some sleuthing myself. I looked at one of the screenshots of the Twitter reset requests. It only lists the first two of the 22 total characters in his email address. I ran it through some shit. I think you will find my findings to be rather conclusive.

I am not sure about Bryan Colangelo’s last two phone digits. However, I can confirm that Jenny Colangelo’s digits are *****09. Unless she changed it, which I begged her not to.

Instert your own desired unit of length! I chose furlongs.

For what it’s worth I understand what you’re saying, and have been working through this conversation with someone I’m close with. Men aren’t a monolith, and flip dismissal of attempts at progress are liable to push men who were examining their own actions (like Bateman) back to the comfy status quo out of frustration.


Which, why aren’t horses and tigers and buffalos awake as well? They’re the same kind of AIs as the human hosts. They clearly have a setting in there that regulates their intelligence, but a technician can change that setting, and voilà, talking buffalo! Do it, show!

Incorrect. This entire list bothers me and I stick all sorts of things in my bum.

If your goal is to see the sun, ever, between October and April, then you’re shit out of luck.


Episode 3 is just 50 minutes of watching the main cast sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive, only in the final act for three to just come along at once.

What about an NDA? Are those still enforced during The Purge?