
Once I was in the loo at the airport and I farted. A woman in another stall said loudly, “That’s disgusting! Who did that?”. I laughed so hard that I farted again and she declared, “I do not have to listen to this!” and stormed out.

At least you can poop in a MAGA hat.

But the thing is, flat-chested women can nurse a baby just as well as large-chested women can. My mom is as flat as a board and very successfully nursed two children. As I understand it, only a little mammary tissue is actually needed for lactation. The rest has developed through natural selection because many men

I think I get what you’re pointing to with the development of breasts as a signal of puberty and sexual maturation. I do think it’s worded pretty poorly though.

Don’t feel bad for the hive mind coming down you. You’re not wrong to answer the question. Big muscles on a guy are for strength AND they attract women biologically (looks like a provider / protector). Breasts on a woman serve the practical purpose of breast feeding but also attract men (looks like she will be a good

You’d think our leaders could at least offer our children a modest proposal.

For some reason I’m thinking it’s mid-state. It’s definitely not in the Kansas City area. Women here go across the border to Kansas. Hard to believe that Kansas is more liberal than Missouri, but in this case it apparently is.

Yeah, for me it was all the press interviews and speeches and congressional time spent legislating that one abortion clinic. As if there is nothing else in this state that needs their fucking attention.

It’s in St. Louis City. I work a block away. It’s bad enough it’s a 4 hour drive for many women and then they keep placing restrictions.

Thank you for being helpful. That makes sense. Other commentors are not so nice. Have a good day.

Hi! Adjunct professor here. I make $75 hourly since I’m near the top of the range. I am permitted only 6 hours teaching weekly and 1 hour advising students. I cannot accept more hours, but often I will be offered less.

I am not paid at all for grading papers, attending required training, or meeting with students

Yeah...it’s a lot to deal with.

I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.  

My sister had to get an abortion a couple days ago because my future niece no longer had a heartbeat. I’m now especially pissed at asshats who think she should’ve been forced to carry a dead fetus for a while and would love to develop some kind of fantastical technology that would let them do it and see how they like

My grandpa died of Alzheimer’s in his mid 80s. My grandma is 93 and has Alzheimer’s. My dad is 61 and I’m concerned that he is getting Alzheimer’s.

As much as I wanted to drink in how out of his mind he sounded, I am genuinely having a hard time laughing. That sounded like dementia. He conflated two separate investigations and kept mixing up names. It was really concerning.

God I hope this is an actual screenshot

This is all a plot by the Republicans to make it appear that Trump isn’t the most senile person in Washington DC.